SEGA To Be At E3, Will Hopefully Announce Something

E3’s Twitter account finally confirmed a bunch of companies for their digital event, including SEGA. As things stand, we currently know nothing about SEGA’s E3 presence, but their presence does mean they should have something to show from one of their many franchises. Will it be Sonic? Who knows. But that’s at least a possibility now. It should be noted that SEGA’s presence is never a sure thing: they skipped E3 2015.

As usual, we should be on hand to cover it. We’ve qualified as press for every E3 since 2010, so assuming that streak holds, you can tune into us for whatever digital press-only coverage E3 will be providing this year. 

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. *2021 predictions:
    Adventure 1&2 ports
    Heroes, Shadow, 06 ports
    Unleashed, Colors, Generations and lost world ports.

    *2022 predictions:
    New Sonic Games: A new Sonic Adventure style game (similar to Sonic 06), Sonic Mania 2 and a new Chao garden mobile game.

    1. You’re setting expectations way too high. You’re gonna be very disappointed if you don’t think smaller. For all we know the only game we’ll get is the Sonic colors remaster.

    2. @Scott: My comment was gonna be similar to Fish’s. Your expections for what you believe Sega will do are way too high as always.

      1. Ok.

        2021 predictions:
        Colors remaster

        2022 predictions:
        New Sonic Games: A new Sonic Adventure style game (similar to Sonic 06), Sonic Mania 2 and a new Chao garden mobile game.

  2. Well, thus far, we know they’ve got Humankind, PSO2 New Genesis, and something that’s probably Judgement 2 (or, I dunno, a Terminator game, teasers are weird). They could hypothetically get away with just that, but here’s hoping that Colors remaster is this year.

  3. Good to know. I always been aiming to watch this year’s E3 mainly for Nintendo and Namco, now I can add Sega. I would like to see the Sonic Colors remaster which was leaked a few months, and also anything related to the 30th annivasary event.

    As for other Sega news, the only thing right now that would interest me would be a new Phantasy Star game that doesn’t have “Online” in its title but thats not going to happen sadly.

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