SEGA Reveals Sonic Announcement Stream for May 27th [Updated Again]

Just prior to Sonic’s anniversary month, the Sonic Twitter account has announced a YouTube and Twitch stream on May 27th promising “upcoming projects, partnerships, and events.”

While “projects” does not inherently mean new game announcements, there are several rumors and leaks from the past month for some form of Sonic game collection, and a remaster or remake of Sonic Colors. We also know of Dark Horse’s Sonic Encyclo-Speed-ia this November, IDW’s anniversary comic, and the previously approved LEGO Ideas Sonic Mania set.

We at Sonic Stadium will be tuning in Thursday to cover any news and announcements from this stream!

UPDATE: The HARDlight’s Twitter is teasing mobile game announcements during Thursday’s stream.

SECOND UPDATE: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio (best known for the Yakuza/Judgment series) posted a cryptic reply. It’s unclear if this is them telling you to save money for upcoming games, suggesting there’s some sort of new Sonic arcade game, suggesting Sonic will have some sort of cameo in a future Yakuza/Judgment game, or that the studio itself will be involved in a Sonic game. Luckily we’ll know very soon:

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A podcaster since 2008, GX originally founded The Spindash podcast, until joining Sonic Stadium's monthly Sonic Talk. He currently co-hosts the show and runs weekly streams on Stadium's Twitch channel at


  1. I swear if by new projects they mean “Sonic Dash 3” I’m gonna lose it.

    1. i wouldnt complain, its the most successful series in the franchise.

      would definately love some more locations and detail in base Sonic Dash though.

  2. I’d like a few things: For Build-A-Bear Workshop to team up with SEGA in 2021 to bring in Game Sonic and Shadow, and for a Sonic Twitter Takeover to happen again. We still need questions answered by Sonic and his friends, and Eggman.

    1. This time we need Knuckles as part of the fray, wasn’t he off trashing Eggman’s base last time?

  3. If any new games get announced, then we may get an indication of the new voice cast. Of course, we all know Mike Pollock is still Eggman (and long may he voice him).

  4. Sega Hardlight’s gonna reveal something? It’ll probably be a new character reveal for Sonic Dash and/or Sonic Forces Speed Battle.

  5. So possibly they are gonna announce the leaked Colors remaster and the rumored Sonic Collection.

    Here is hoping for a tease of the new main game as well as the upcoming Netflix series.

  6. Maybe we’ll have a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character trailer on the Sonic Central presentation. I mean, it’s possible that we might not have to wait until E3 for anything Smash-related, and it would mean the next rep is a Sonic character.

    1. Won’t happen. Nintendo will save any Smash Bros related stuff for their E3 Direct.

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