Yakuza Dev Wants to Work on Sonic

During an interview with SEGA Europe during SEGA’s 60th anniversary celebrations, Yakuza developer Daisuke Sato expressed an interest in working with the Sonic IP.

When asked which SEGA IP he’d like to work on if given the chance, Sato said it would be Sonic, because “after all, when you hear SEGA, you think of Sonic.” He went on to say, “I’d like to get involved once at least,” and if he were to do it, he wouldn’t do Sonic as it was, but instead “I would make a completely different Sonic.” For the full interview, check out the video below. The Sonic question is asked at the 5:40 mark:

Sato is well known for having worked on numerous SEGA IP, including Super Monkey Ball and Yakuza. He has been involved in the latter IP since its inception, having steadily moved up from chief designer, to director, and finally a producer for the later titles.

Would you like too Sato’s version of Sonic? Let us know in the comments below!

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Make a completely different Sonic? Are you kidding? The Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic franchises are here to stay IMO though.

  2. The very last thing the Sonic IP needs is yet another separate version of the character, canon and play style. We need a unifier, not another rogue hotshot.

  3. I’m usually alright with interpretations of Sonic. Don’t get me wrong, in my opinion most fan works are very take it or leave it but there’s oftentimes that one piece that pays respect to the series in a decent way while still having its own identity. I haven’t played much Yakuza myself but from what I’ve seen they are well crafted story driven arcade experiences and if Ryo Ga Gatoku were to have their take on the series I’d actually be quite intrigued as to which direction they take it. SEGA have a good number of developers that do awesome work at the end of the day, I think giving another subsidiary a shot at the series could be very cool.

  4. Sonic game in Yakuza style confirmed!

    Jokes aside, despite the possible risks I’m a bit curious to see what a “completely different Sonic” Sato has in mind exactly.

  5. Please don’t reimagine Sonic into something completely unrecognizable. That’s not what he needs right now.

    Sonic Boom is still fresh in people’s minds.

  6. I really don’t want this to happen. Please just leave Sonic alone. I don’t want Sonic to be anything like Yakuza and he is not the right person to be directing Sonic. Hopefully they won’t let him do this. Sonic doesn’t need to get gritty and dark, in a bad way.

  7. If by “completely different Sonic” he means he would change the direction the series took after 2010 then I’m all in for it!

  8. Not gonna lie, I actually like the idea of having Sato involved in future titles.
    At this point, the Sonic series just begs to have new people in charge.

  9. …and make it the final game in the series. After that, no more Sonic games, as the franchise has to come to a close. Seriously. This is also included in budget cuts. This is my last wish. And this time including Princess Sally Acorn and even Bunnie, Antoine Rotor and Nicole.

    I won’t need any reply, so don’t reply to me.

    #Rally4Sally #Sally4Dash #Sally4SpeedBattle

  10. Yes I would love a Sato’s version of Sonic, it needs to have Ryan Drummond, Jason Griffin, and Roger Craig english dubbed version, along with the Japanese dubbed with english subtitles. I would easily pay $100.00 or a little more for it. The same goes for a sonic adventure, shuffle, and adventure 2 remake as long as it’s the dreamcast original design.

    1. Yes calling up sonic characters from different dimensions and also called megaman characters. One more thing also other Sega characters like shenmue, yakuza, and judgement.

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