Fan-made Radio Drama Sonic and Tails R Light-Speed Dashes onto YouTube

Hold onto your light speed shoes, remember that radio drama that was teased a while back? Well, it’s out now, and we couldn’t be happier to hear such an all-star cast lend their talents to what is shaping up to be quite an adventurous project!

Long-time Sonic fans will recognize Ryan Drummond voicing Sonic in this project; which will be the first time we’ve heard his Sonic voice since the mid-2000s! Mike Pollock reprises his role as Dr Eggman, and David Humphrey, Shadow’s original voice actor, plays Knuckles. Last but certainly not least, the talented Emily Jones gives Tails a stunning voice!

Clocking in at over 7 minutes, we join Sonic and Tails in their never-ending quest to protect the world from the plans of Dr Eggman! This time, something pretty big happens with the Chaos Emeralds. We don’t want to shatter the surprise, so please listen to this drama as soon as you can!

There’s plenty of references to satisfy even the most hardcore Sonic Adventure fans, from story beats to sound effects, there’s no doubt this was a labor of love.

What do you think? Are you looking forward to Episode 2? Let us know in the comments!

via YouTube

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  1. *sigh* Poor Ryan. He hasn’t voiced Sonic in so long that he sounds like Roger doing a bad Ryan impersonation. At least Shadow makes Knuckles sound like his Adventure-Advanced 3 voice.

  2. This was amazing, and I’m glad your article brought me to it.

    I must point this out though … Reread the first line of the article. Sonic moves at the speed of sound, not the speed of light!! After all, his name is Sonic. 🙂

  3. Yes part two is need I jlgot tears in my eyes listening to this however brings back memories I’ll be playing Sonic adventure for the first time on the Dreamcast don’t keep us waiting too long I cannot wait for the next adventure

  4. This is pretty cool! And can we have David voice Knuckles in the games from now on? I can’t express enough how much more I like his voice over Knuckles’ current VA.

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