British Community Streamers ‘Race For Good’ on Sonic’s Birthday

With all that’s going on in the world right now, it’s understandable that some might just want to retreat into video games and/or watch their favourite streamers do their thing. This month, a couple of British Sonic fans are turning this into an opportunity to raise money for charity!

You’ll have read about Andy ‘The British Andy’ Wilson and Pete ‘TitansCreed’ Nethercote’s ‘Race For Good’ events before on TSS – the pair have made a name for themselves by playing a series of Sonic the Hedgehog games live while raising a fair chunk of change for gaming non-profit Special Effect. This time, they’re hoping to raise even more money and stream even more days as a result.

The Race For Good 2020 will begin close to Sonic’s own birthday – on June 19 at 8am BST (that’s 12am PDT or 3am EST) – involving the usual completion challenges across a number of classic and modern Sonic games. It will continue on June 20 and will run for a third day on June 21 if the fundraising reaches a specific milestone.

Special challenges and donation incentives will be taking place throughout the show as well, from nominating players to lose a life to playing with oven mitts and other pranks besides. There will also be some Race For Good 2020 merchandise, the profits of which will go to Special Effect.

Check out the event when it goes live on either TitansCreed or The British Andy’s Twitch channels. We wish these fellas the best of luck!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.