Fandango Posts Minute-Long Scene From the Sonic Movie

We got our first look at an actual scene from the Sonic movie today, in the form of a minute-long video released by Fandango on their Twitter account. In the scene, Sonic guilts Tom into helping him get home.

You can find the original tweet here, or watch the video embedded below:

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Fuzzy Sonic sending Scott Summers into a guilt trip in order to go on a ROAD trip was not something I thought would be right for a Sonic movie…but I’m happy that it is.

    I’m so down with this, I don’t care of it’s outcome, it’s gonna be fun.

  2. I thought this was alright. I’m looking forward to the movie, don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect to be impressed, blown away or anything (everyone knows of video game movies’ bad rep) but I do expect to be amused at best by funny moments like these.

  3. When I first saw the previews for this movie I felt they were God awful and that this would be an absolute dumpster fire. I’m so happy they redid the model as this one is 1,000 times better than the first abomination. I then worried that because they had to redo the model that the move would suffer more due to having to possibly refilm many scenes or maybe rewrite the movie all together.

    Seeing this now, I have to say I feel it won’t actually be horrible. I by no means think it’ll be a master piece, and still think Detective Pikachu will have little to worry about in the videogame turned movie field, but overall I think it’ll at least be as entertaining as “Minions” or “Hotel Transylvania.” In fact I actually plan on watching it now where as the first introduction made me want to avoid it at all costs.

    Watching this clip though I can’t help but feel there maybe a “liar revealed” subplot going on as it seems Sonic is guilting the guy to take him. Does he really need this dude? I doubt it. If the baby Sonic trailer is anything to go off of my guess is Sonic is a lonely, bored guy that, judging by the echidnas taking aim at him with bows, is not welcomed even on his own world.

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