“Sonic Says” Don’t Talk During the Film in Upcoming PSA

Thanks to a listing of rated trailers, commercials and PSAs on Alberta, we’ve discovered that a Sonic “Movie Etiquette” PSA has been rated.

If you’ve ever been in a movie theater, you (should) know not to talk or use your phone during the film. Usually there’ll be a reminder just before the main feature starts; sometimes it’s as simple as a line of text, other times there’ll be a fun animation or skit to help drive the point home. Given what we’ve discovered, it looks like Sonic (likely his Movie iteration) will be giving us a lesson on why we shouldn’t talk or text during the movie.


While we don’t really know the format of this PSA, fans will know that Sonic’s been teaching kids valuable lessons for a while, most famously the “Sonic Sez” segments after every episode in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon.

This format would often see Tails (sometimes another character) acting as a stand-in for some child who doesn’t know any better, and Sonic would zoom in to remind Tails what the right thing is to do in a particular situation. The topics ranged from drinking, smoking, sharing, climbing into a clothes dryer, and most infamous of all, inappropriate touching, inspiring many a YouTube Poop.

All that said, this wouldn’t be unfamiliar territory for our blue hero. It’s about time he taught the masses how to behave during a movie!

We look forward to seeing it in theaters when it releases.

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  1. Don’t forget OK KO: Let’s Meet Sonic’s valuable lesson! It basically tells you not to sleep in, or you’ll miss out on important events like meeting Sonic, and that’s no good.

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