Headcannon’s Vertebreaker Kickstarter Cancelled

A little over a week after is started, the kickstarter campaign for Vertebreaker, the next game from Sonic Mania developer Headcannon, has been canceled.

Headcannon cited poor first week fundraising as the reason for the campaign’s closure, after only managing to raise 5% of its $275,000 goal.

In a video released on Youtube, Headcannon founder Simon “Stealth” Thomley went over the mistakes and misconceptions that lead to the campaign’s failure, including a rushed Kickstarter launch, and his and the team’s current financial situation. Thomley went on to explain that while many kickstarter efforts launch with capital or publishing deals already in place, Vertebreaker did not, and hence the large target needed to fund the cost of living for the team.

For his full explanation, please check out the video below, in which Thomley also thanks all 480 backers:

This is not necessarily the end for Vertebreaker, however; the team hopes to launch a more organised effort with a new Kickstarter campaign in the coming months.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Someone else who worked for SEGA falling on hard times.

    Nobody should be shocked, it’s like a curse of the company.

    1. But the Sonic franchise (and its fans) deserve good things, and Team Headcannon delivered with Sonic Mania. Vertebreaker also deserved to be in the VG spotlight. First Kaio: King of Pirates, and now this…..


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