Sonic Mania Programmer Creates New Spooky Platformer “Vertebreaker”

Sonic community veteran and Sonic Mania programmer Simon Thomley aka “Stealth” of Headcannon is working on an original, new 2D platformer reminiscent of the old-school SEGA glory days, and it’s quite a spooky one!

On the ominous date of Friday the 13th, Stealth tweeted a short video clip of project “Vertebreaker”, currently a work-in-progress for SAGE 2019. Separate from the blue needlemouse we’re familiar with, Stealth’s sidescroller is an action platformer starring a skeleton who uses its spine to fling across the stage and evade enemies while collecting stray bones littered across the stage. Sounds like a chiropracter’s nightmare.

Impeding their progress are ghosts and goblins of ghoulish proportions, which can be swiftly taken out with a whack of the bone. Our little boney buddy even does a roll downhill like a certain hedgehog we know!

Though the footage shown is brief, it oozes with those Mega Drive vibes, it’s as if a lost Genesis game was discovered and the ROM was dumped… and then given a widescreen makeover, and given more detailed graphics. Well, it’s certainly inspired by the 16-bit era, and looks and sounds wonderful! But most importantly, it looks fun to play, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it!

Stealth will be releasing a “preview build” of the game on September 27th this month, and says there will be a Kickstarter for the game this Halloween! I know I’m backing this one! What about you guys? Are you excited for Vertebreaker? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Sonic Boom meets sonic the hedgehog 1, watch the short video and you will understand what l’m talking about.

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