Sonic Movie Producer on Redesign: “Fans Will Be Pleased”

Sonic the Hedgehog movie producer Tim Miller has spoken out about his experience regarding the backlash of Sonic’s intial movie design, and hints at his opinion of the redesign via Variety.

Via an interview for Terminator: Dark Fate, Miller was asked about the negative response to the first Sonic movie trailer. To his credit, Miller agreed that Jeff Fowler, the movie’s Director, had made all of the right moves in regards to his response, as seen in this excerpt:

You’re an executive producer on “Sonic the Hedgehog,” which was also due out in November but pushed to redesign the main character after fans protested. How was that experience?

When “Sonic” arrived, the director, Jeff Fowler, was the best guy to do it. The redesign? Look, I was with fans and so was Jeff. This is a franchise, and it has to be great. When the s–t hit the fan, I went over there and said, “The most important thing to do, man, is say, ‘I f–ked up.’” He’d already sent a tweet out an hour before I got there. He’s a good man. It was exactly the right way to handle that. The fans have a voice in this too. There’s a right way to listen.

Have you seen any of the character redesign?

In fact I have. And I think the fans will be pleased.

Stay tuned for more Sonic the Hedgehog news as it comes.

Source: Variety Magazine via TSSZ.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. After that Terminator interview, pardon me if I don’t give this guy the benefit of the doubt,

  2. I’m pretty sure we will get a more faithful design for Sonic in the movie, Detective Pikachu had very faithful designs and people loved it for that, even when the creatures were anatomically impossible in real life, and the redesign started after the release of that movie so I’m pretty sure they will take notes from fans as well as from that movie.

  3. I really hope they stick to Sonics actual design. Please please PLEASE! Keep the gloves his NORMAL shoes, and keep the tan on his arms. And his face leave it alone please 😓 it was fine before they messed with it. That’s all I ask other than that I’m fine I hope they come back with a better sonic. Can’t wait to see the next trailer!

  4. do not agree. a movie director is an artist, cinema is art, and changing an artist’s vision because of fan complaints establishes a dangerous precedent

    1. A terrible video game movie is art laffo yeah sure, nobody behind this gave a shit about art it’s about pushing out something people will pay to watch because it’s using a recognizable IP, it’s no different from all the other cartoon character turned CGI in a real world setting movies that have plagued us for decades. Do you know how often studio’s change the “artist’s vision”? If you want some examples just look into how Disney has treated Marvel and Star Wars, they toss out and replace creators and demand changes to their vision on a whim.

  5. Even if the design is good it wont save the movie……..
    Besides they got to fix Sonic’s voice too….Ben just doesn’t fit, it feels as if Sonic is being dubbed instead of performed, sounds too realistic as well. I don’t hate or dislike Ben, just Sonic is a no go for him.

  6. Alot of people thought the same way with Roger, some still do. But yeah I understand where you’re coming from.

  7. What annoys me is that going back to this:

    Going back to that, everyone already said “wow, you can’t be serious.” Like you can CLEARLY see elements of the design that make absolutely no sense in a Sonic the Hedgehog adaptation yet they just covered their ears and pretended like everyone would suddenly warm up to it once the trailer revealed the full design. SURPRISE, no one did. So then they run back with their tail between their legs saying they’re sorry and they’ll fix it.

    That’s why I’m not exactly hopeful but they do seem somewhat serious about responding to criticism so maybe there may be hope yet (the REST of the movie is still very much a wishy-washy affair).

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