Takashi Iizuka Talks SEGA Involvement With Sonic Movie

In an interview with Gaming Bible on Team Sonic Racing this week, Sonic Pillar head Takashi Iizuka also spoke briefly about SEGA’s involvement in the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog movie by Paramount Pictures.

With the less-than-warm receiption of Sonic’s movie design last week, and Director Jeff Fowler going on record to say feedback had been received and changes will happen, many have been left wondering what part SEGA have or will play in Sonic’s movie appearance.

In the interview, Iizuka-san stated “It’s not a SEGA movie – we’re not making it, or anything – and I’m only an advisor, really. But I do get shown things, and the [movie team] ask for my opinion. I’m also listening to what the fans are saying, and I’ll feed that back to the director – he, and the producers, are very interested in receiving that feedback.”

While the comment doesn’t give any further indication to SEGA’s position or opinion on Sonic’s current design, it does at least reveal that there is a conduit for dialogue between SEGA’s Sonic team and Paramount, and lends to the possibility that Paramount might look to SoA for more direction on the promised rapid redesign.

More Sonic movie news as it comes!

Source: Gaming Bible

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. So it’s totally has to appear exactly as you say when it comes to comics and you may even dictate changes before publishing…

    But with films we’re “hands-off advisor and feedback only”…

    1. Good point, we can’t even see Eggman Nega in the comics for some stupid reason, but they’re hands off with something that could potentially tank the remaining crediblity of the Sonic brand.

      It’s a miracle SEGA got anywhere with their approach to marketing, with the terrible state of all their other IPs, sometimes it looks like Sonic’s success in their hands was just a fluke.

  2. How convenient that you’re somehow not directly to blame for this happening and yet are also doing “everything” you can to help them. He’s such a control freak with how Sonic is handled anywhere else, how the hell he allowed this to happen is anyone’s guess. XP

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