The Top 15 TSS Articles of 2017

Continuing a bit of a tradition only this time I managed to plan it to land exactly on January 1st! Throughout the year our site monitors and keeps tracks of various statistics and we’re able to run various reports based on that data. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at what were the top 15 news/articles of 2017 on TSS according to total views, I have discounted individual images or hub pages like the Home page.

The date period that the data is from is 1/1/17 – 1/1/18.

Number 15

Out of utterly nowhere, a random company puts up the banner for the game on it’s website, then pulls it, then accidentally puts up the entire Q&A for the game, then pulls it down, then puts it up again, then pulls it down. Then soft launches it a few days later! Whats going on!?

Number 14

First bit of Mania news to hit the list, Detective Sonic Stadium discovered a small WIP animation of what appeared to be Sonic fighting one of the Hard Boiled Heavies. Little did we know that a few weeks later we would get the full stunning opening sequence.

Number 13:

A fan game proof of concept made the list! That’s pretty impressive… but what’s more impressive is that this article was written outside of the date period, more impressive than that, it was also on last years list!

You guys seem to really enjoy this one!

Number 12

First bit of Forces news on the list. Soundtracks are always popular products, no surprise that the news of a physical and digital soundtrack for a 3D Sonic game makes it onto the list.

And it totally says ‘Ow the Edge’ when you quickly glance at it.

Number 11

The pre-order hype train started for Sonic Forces with the promise of unique costumes. Fans were invited to dress up Clark the Wolf as a variety of characters from other Sega and ATLUS titles so long as they bought the game the moment it came out.

Number 10

Another article from outside the date range makes it onto the list! Not that surprising, we didn’t get the full reveal for the Avatar (AKA Clark the Wolf) until many months later, probably explains why this one made the list yet again.

Number 9

First bit of movie news to make the list… which seems really strange since there has been so little in terms of news for the movie since it’s announcement. In fact the only other bit of news for the movie which I can think of that came to light last year was the announcement that the film was now in the hands of Paramount Pictures.

Well it’s due out in 2019 and we still know nothing about it, I don’t see a problem with that… right?

Number 8

Another day, another mobile game gets announced! Sonic Fores Speed Battle was released to accompany it’s bigger brother and was actually better received than the game it was designed to support.

Number 7

Well… This certainly set the cat amongst the pigeons didn’t it? Whilst the majority of people reacted in support, some claimed I was making it up and used every excuse in the book to try and explain or somehow stain what I had written.

But after the game released there was really only one explanation. Sonic Forces was just naff both as a demo and a final product.

Number 6

Not much to say here, the new Sonic game gets a release date, of course the hit counter went nuts.

Number 5

Sega teases us again! We got an outline of the character and for an entire month we were toying with possibilities as to who it could be. Who was that third man? Bubsy?Fang? Big the Cat in a disguise!?

April was a fun month, we all went detective trying to figure it out. We even made a few guesses ourselves

Number 4

Things started to get stranger with this title. Sonic Runners Adventure got leaked, then got accidentally announced, then got pulled, then got released in Russia and nobody from Sega wanted to confirm it was real! This prompted many fans to ask was it real!? Is it real!? Am I real!? Are you real!?

Number 3

I’m… not that surprised this made it onto the list, nor am I that surprised it made it this high. Trophy and Achievement Guides are the new cheat books, considering how we were able to put this together so soon it’s not that surprising it helped out so many people.

Before You Continue…

There was only 1000 clicks between the next two articles… the article which hit the number 1 spot was published at the very start of the year, so it had an entire year of exposure and was constantly referenced to due to the fact the news was constant for over 9 months.

Which makes the number 2 spot even more amazing. Had it not been for the constant news and rumours about the number one article, odds are this would have made it to the top spot.

So without further ado… here is number 2.



Number 2

You maniacs! What have you done!? She made it onto the list… she would have been the most viewed article of 2017 had it not been for… well you’ll find out in a moment. This is… I am at a loss for words.

A trick of the eye? A glitch in the Matrix? Call it what you like, what someone saw in Sonic Mania kickstarted a short term but very popular meme. Omelette was considered to be Eggmans secret niece who tired of watching her older relative try and fail to stop Sonic takes matters into her own hands.

Now can we please make her canon and put her into the next All Stars Racing game?

Number 1

Yup… it was always going to be on here…. And only just beat out Omelette by 1000 clicks!

We were the very first news outlet to break this story, we actually found out about it several days before we published this article, only there was nothing rock solid to support it. But a lot of signs were there to suggest what we had been told was indeed true.

The longest running comic based on a video game was coming to an end. With radio silence from Sega and Archie for over 9 months, the announcement of it’s cancellation finally came with a short press release.

Whilst many fans expressed anger and sadness at this, spare a thought for some subscribers who are still trying to get their subscription money back if our forums are anything to go by.


Honourable Mentions

These articles just missed out on the list. But were pretty significant, if only for the mass hysteria which followed their publication.

Sonic Mania is leaked… PANIC!

How do you leak a digital game? Well it turns out that the redemption codes for it are not time locked on certain systems! Which is a big problem if retailers start shipping out Collectors Editions early!

Coming to light several days before the games released, a lot of fans entered panic mode! Some instantly logged out of their Google accounts to prevent YouTube from displaying spoilers in the ‘Recommended’ section. Others took more drastic steps and went on a full internet blackout for several days.

With videos and even streams going on for days before hand. Even Sega stepped in and tried to block the leaks!

Clark Kent the Wolf is revealed!

Confirming what many had suspected, the third character in Forces was indeed Classic Sonic  The Avatar! A customised character that you could create, he would swing on a grapple hook (during scripted segments) and be a reflection of yourself as you help Sonic defeat Eggmans army.

All-Stars Brawl & Football Discovered

2017 was a quiet year for new Sonic game discoveries… but these two came to light on the same day and became a short distraction from Mania and Forces. A football themed All-Stars game as well as a Beat-Em-Up style brawler. 



See you in 2018, it’s going to be an Adventure.

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  1. The announcement of IDW acquiring the rights to Sonic the Hedgehog comic books after Archie lost the rights didn’t make the top 15 articles?

  2. Even going from Archie to IDW pales in comparison to the Star Wars: Gamblefront II debacle.

  3. So, a weird thing about the Archie comics – I heard about the cancellation earlier this year, and I was wondering how a refund would work. Archie never sent any sort of refund on any email, and it wasn’t until December 2017 when I got a “The Mighty Crusaders” comic in the mail from Archie with no note? It was delivered to my address, so it wasn’t someone else’s issue.
    Anyone else got one of these comics after being subscribed to the Sonic comic?

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