Rumour: ‘Sonic Runners Adventure’ Coming to Mobile Devices

To those of you who were sad to see Sonic Runners leave our phones last year, listen up. It looks like SEGA is working with Gameloft to bring the concept back, in a new title called ‘Sonic Runners Adventure’.

Initial news of the game surfaced on a mobile gaming forum, along with details that it would be developed for Android devices (“maybe for Java ME”) and that it, like Sonic Team’s effort before it, would be an endless runner.

Digging a little deeper, it seems like there is a Support Page already active for the game on Gameloft’s official website which seems to add weight to the legitimacy of this rumour. The page, when translated, offers a few tasty morsels of information regarding how the game will play.

According to the Support page, an internet connection will not necessarily be required outside of initial registration (and “when you first start the game”). A timed mode and a story mode is seemingly included, along with three different stage types: “Finite”, “Infinite” and “Looped”. Bonus Levels involve flying to grab as many rings as possible within a time limit. Red Rings, the main currency behind the free-to-play Sonic Runners, is not mentioned in the Support page.

The Sonic Stadium approached SEGA Networks for clarification, but the mobile division offered no comment. We will reach out to Gameloft to see if they can confirm the game’s existence. In the meantime, we will collate as much information as we can on the title and share what we have in an expanded article.


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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. My only wish is that unlockable characters aren’t time limited, and aren’t locked behind a fricking wheel of fortune.

    1. You’re in luck then, cos Gameloft confirmed that characters are unlocked via Rings collected throughout the story campaign.

  2. Sweet, the Sonic Runners concept was cool, I’m glad to see it’s being given a second chance.

  3. If this is legit, then I’m surprised. I thought SEGA would want to distance themselves from Runners after seemingly deeming it a failure.

  4. If this is true I will be sooooo happy. Barely got a chance to play it on my devices before it stopped. Woohoo! ^^

  5. Holy shit! Didn’t expect to wake up to this.

    And that art is awesome.

  6. I loved Runners (except for the chance wheel for unlocking characters) and was super sad to see it go. Good thing I held onto my old android after I changed to an iphone!

  7. Already that new information sounds better than the previous Sonic Runners.
    + No internet connection required
    + Characters bought with rings
    + Different modes

    Now hopefully a variety of asthetics to go with it because GOD DAMN – Windy Hill is boring.
    Oh and for the game to not tank the framerate, drain the battery and crash periodicly.

  8. Interesting. I mean I hated the original Runners for its lack of stability and awful handling of the standard F2P system, but Gameloft is a company known for quality (if slightly unoriginal) games. N.O.V.A and Modern Combat 4 (or iCOD, as I like to call it) I liked very much, complete failure to get them running properly on later smartphones and tablets regardless.

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