Sonic Boom Cast and Crew holding Twitter Q&A Today

The men and women behind the Sonic Boom TV show will be available to answer all your burning questions on Twitter today. They will be live tweeting at 6 p.m. eastern time, during this week’s episode, “Give Bees a Chance,” which was written by Cindy Robinson, the voice actor for Amy Rose. To send them a tweet, just use the hashtag “#AskSonicBoomCrew”. For a countdown timer and links to the twitter profiles of everyone participating, check out Mike Pollock’s website.

Below is a list of everyone who will be participating in the Q&A:

Sonic – Roger Craig Smith

Dr. Eggman – Mike Pollock

Tails – Colleen Villard

Knuckles – Travis Willingham

Episode Writer and Amy Rose – Cindy Robinson

Sticks – Nika Futterman

Orbot – Kirk Thornton​

Cubot – Wally Wingert

Exec. Producer, Comedy Chimp & Lady Walrus – Bill Freiberger

Staff Writer and Story Editor Alan Denton

Staff Writer and Story Editor Greg Hahn

Staff Writer and Editor Sam Freiberger

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. I don’t have a twitter account. But can I ask a favour to someone who does have one?

    Can someone ask them if D-Fekt will appear in the show? If you played F&I, then you know why I’m asking.

  2. Why am I cursed to live in a town that has Comcast, but doesn’t have Boomerang as part of a package? Where can I buy the episodes? iTunes?

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