Summer 2017 Release for Archie Sonic: Mega Drive Trade Paperback

Archie’s fastest selling Sonic the Hedgehog comic is due to make its way to trade paperback format in the Summer following the release of the third and final installment in the arc, Mega Drive: Overdrive. Many fans who have had difficulty in obtaining the sold-out first issue will be pleased, and probably not surprised these comics will be making their way to this format.

Pre-orders are now open on for English comic fans as well as for US fans, with July the 18th penned as the release date.

Megadrive: Overdrive is set for a release in March.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Gnarly! I don’t read the comics, but I will buy and read the shit outta this! Anyone who’s read it: is it good?

    Thanks in advance.

    31 year old OG Sonic fan right here.

    1. Personally, I think Mega Drive is passable. Not good but not bad.

      And The Next Level is just terrible. I can’t stand it.

      And Over Drive is probably gonna suck too but I’m still gonna buy it to find out.

      You should check it out if you think you’ll like it though. I’m in the minority of people here who doesn’t like it.

  2. Honestly I don’t like sonic comics at all as I view them as a distraction from the main story .
    Also I think Sega should practice some sort of strict rules of how they handle sonic stories.
    If I was Sega I would protect my IP from being represented in a way I don’t feel comfortable with, but that’s me .
    Besides what I said I must admit that art looks very good .

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