Rumour: New Nintendo Switch ‘Sonic’ Game Discovered in Gamestop Listings

We already know that ‘Project Sonic 2017’ will be heading to Nintendo’s next home console, Switch. But if this supposed photo of a retailer’s March release schedule is any indication, there might be another Sonic game heading to the platform.

A poster on Reddit recently shared this photo from a local Gamestop store in Germany. If real (we’re tagging this as ‘Rumour’ for now), it highlights a lot of titles that Nintendo is preparing to have available for the Switch’s launch (which assumedly could be the 19th March 2017).

Two Sonic listings are mentioned; one is the already-known ‘Project Sonic 2017’ title, while another is simply listed as ‘NSW Sonic’. It’s unknown whether the 19th March date listed there is a placeholder or whether it will be ready for launch day.

Could a Sonic Mania port be announced soon?

It’s purely speculation at this point as to what this mystery Sonic title could be, but the safe money would go on a Switch version of upcoming retro-loving platformer Sonic Mania. With Nintendo about to reveal everything about its new console in a live event this Friday, we likely won’t have very long to find what this really is.

Source: Reddit (Via GoNintendo)

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I thought sonic mania was already announced for the switch. Doesn’t it say NX (former name for the switch) in the original trailer for it?

  2. Perhaps Sonic Mania is getting a boxed release in disc form after the slight disappointment of the digital release announcement….

    Although I must’ve read wrong….

  3. The way I see it, it’s either Sonic Mania or a port of a past Sonic game. (Probably Lost World.) If it’s Sonic Mania (and this is true), then I sadly will probably not get it on the Switch. My allegiance is already sworn to the PS4 Collector’s Edition.

    1. Even though I’ve already pre-ordered the Mania Collector’s Edition on PS4, I would buy it a second time if it were to came out on the Switch. Mania just seems like that Sonic game that I will never stop playing and being able to take it on the go would be glorious.

      1. Oh yeah, true, that would entail playing it on the go. That does sound kind of appealing. I’ll tell ya, I’d like a physical cartridge for Sonic Mania.

        1. That would be awesome.

          Maybe as a way to say “Sorry for no Switch Collector’s Edition” they can just give Mania a physical release on the Switch and call it a day.

    2. I mean if it’s a port, it probably won’t be Lost World seeing how it poorly it did in booth sales and critical reception. Maybe we finally get that Sonic Colors HD port? Perhaps a 60fps Generations? But, more likely than not, it’s gonna be Mania and if it releases alongside the Switch (assuming they pretty much already have the game finished and are not rushing it for release) would be really great it may actually convince me to buy a Switch day one.

    3. I plan to buy this on PS4 as well but I may buy it a second time on Steam just to try all the crazy mods people will do, but only after the price drops and there are enough mods 😛

  4. Seems very fake. Mainly because why the Sonic 2017 game would be actually called “Project 2017”?
    The closest thing I can think of, is that Sonic Colours internally is called “Sonic2010” but nothing else.

  5. The weird thing about that is “Sonic project 2017” is the only one on the list with a ’12/11/17′ release date. Why is that the only one with the furthest release date? Does that mean the Switch isn’t going to get any other games after launch until around the end of this year?
    That obviously can’t be the case, so why include it?

    1. That is pretty strange. Maybe it’s the only game AFTER the Switch’s launch that will have a concrete release date?

    2. Take in mind this is probably fake, if its real though they may be listing only the official announced games so far, with Mania being a mistake or something

  6. A Switch port of Mania? Possible. I don’t think SEGA would really get much attention from E3. If both of their games are going to be on Nintendo’s new console, it would only make sense to see them both during Nintendo’s own reveal of the thing.

      1. That’s not true. What happened was that Jools Watsham from Renegade Kid tweeted asking Sega if he could do a 3DS port. Sega seemingly never responded/accepted the request.

        Renegade Kid did close down, but it mostly split into two companies; Jools formed Atooi, and Gregg Hargrove (the other founder) formed Infitizmo. Atooi is the 2D (aka Mutant Mudds) team, Infitizmo is the 3D (aka Dementium 3D) team.

        So a 3DS port was never confirmed, just something Jools tried to pursue but never got the rights to do it.

  7. It’s got to be a port, there’s no way…but what does nsw mean? Maybe they just forgot the f. 😉

  8. The Storybook Series reborn! But nah if it’s real Maybe it’ll be like a Switch version of one of the Handheld games since the Switch’s whole deal is it’s part Console part Handheld. I for one wouldn’t mind a new Sonic Rush.

    1. I as well would welcome a new Sonic Rush with open arms!

      I’m very dissapointed that Sega made Dimps do handheld versions of their console games instead of making the Rush series grow and evolve.

  9. Weird. Sonic Mania uses a May 31st placeholder date at Gamestop for the CE, and the game itself does not appear far along enough to make a March release (honestly I worry it will miss its Spring window.) If it really was targeting late March, we would have had a formal release date announcement by now. Not only that, but it’d be incredibly strange for it to not be listed as Sonic Mania outright. Likewise, Project Sonic 2017 is targeting a Q4 release window, so there’s no way that would be pushed so far up like that.

    Either it’s a mistake of some sort, was a poorly sorted and named listing for Sonic Mania or Project 2017, or it’s something else entirely. Or, of course, a fake.

    1. Actually, looking at that more closely, I didn’t catch that plenty of other games on there are showing the incorrect dates, like Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

  10. Um, I think it’s pretty safe to say that Project 2017 WON’T be coming out in March. With like no other trailers since June 2016, it’s seeming more like a winter thing.

    1. Look at the date of this article.

      Now look at the date of your video.

      Look back at the date of this article.

      Say: Oh.

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