Sonic 25th Party On the Ground Live Coverage (+Mania impressions, updated)

There’s more to the Sonic 25th Anniversary Party then just announcements. In this post we will be posting video and photo coverage directly from the party! Whether it’s  a lightning interview or just having fun in line, we’ll be posting it here in addition to news coverage!

First, Jason Berry gives us a look at how long the line was….two hours before the party opens:

Meanwhile, I was tired, so I was playing this:


And while I was writing this Adam Tuft stopped by HI ADAM I SHOULD’VE GOTTEN A PICTURE! And he was mistaken for Roger Craig Smith, ha.

Aaron Webber walked by earlier too, and I AMBUSHED HIM with an interview which I….forgot to record. So he was nice enough to do another quick interview for us!

I decided to ask the people from Sonic Revolution (and other places) that Jason and I were hanging with what the big announcement would be. Also features horrible camera work and awkward pauses because this whole thing is off the cuff but FUN AS HECK:

Place is about to open up! I’ve got a video uploading that I just took, featuring a Sonic fan from Mexico, Santiago Arroyo! Also his new friend with the creep smile, Brandon.

And it still hasn’t opened, so here it is!

In. Announcement coming in a half hour. Here’s my awesome swag bag:


So hey, guys, I don’t want to risk losing my iPad taking a picture, but there are two monitors in th corner. With Xbox 360 controllers.

Big announcement imminent! Scheduled for 6:35, but things opened late. Hogfather will have the coverage for that!

Jason and I are dancing the night away! Him more so because my belt is loose and gravity wants my pants on the ground. Hyper Potions is pretty good.

My random big headed sonic plush is….Sonic! Jason got that one two. Knuckles would have been superior naturally, but second best is cool.image

Announcement is running way behind, but it’s got to be soon now.

Hyper Potion is on its last song!

So….Sonic Mania. And it’s playable.


Merch sold out while I was recording a fan reaction to the reveal trailer. Still got a Knuckles plush!

Was also met by this glorious cosplay on the way down. Sorry for the poor iPad image quality!


I’m a few minutes away from playing Sonic Mania guys.


The Sonic Mania title screen has this neat mode 7 style rotation to it!

Guys. Guys. Guys. Sonic Mania is SO good. I tried the Sonic 4 standing on wall test…I could not defy gravity worth a DAMN. More later.

God, “What I’m Made Of” has got to be the best Crush40 song ever. So awesome in concert.

BEHOLD, the food of mighty blue gods!


Follow the green Sprite road for more demo action! Need a play through of the new Green Hill for my full write-up.


So…I went ahead and explored Green Hill. I recorded some else playing it before and it seemed to mostly be the same level. So when I played it, I decided to do some exploring. It turns out there is now an entirely new section of the level ABOVE the old one, complete with both bubble and fire shield power-ups. Green Hill also adopts the tweaked physics, and the new areas kind of feel like something out of Sonic CD.

Oh hey, it’s Christen Whitehead & Knuckles!

And image

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. I’m ‘trying’ to watch the livestream but the lag is making it really hard to do.

  2. I was honestly hoping for something… bigger? Sonic Mania seems cool but, but… *sigh* I’m not sure what I was expecting..

    1. Sonic Team still has their game to announce!! You really think they spent 3-4 years on a pixelated game? Taxman is the head of this game, not Sonic Team. They will announce their game later tonight.

      All is still well in the world. lmao

    2. That ??????? is probably the big Sonic Team game. I’m beyond excited for both that and Sonic Mania!!!!!!!!

    3. I guess you didn’t finish the whole stream. Sonic’s true anniversary game was revealed in the end. It’s not Generations 2.

  3. I was playing Splatoon on the last Splatfest today Callie vs Marie same day as Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary House Of The Blues & waited to watched Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary House Of The Blues today by Sonic Official on Twitch I already know this streaming is over.

  4. “Mode 7” YES ! This is what it is called I just spent the last couple of days trying to remember what the hell the name of this mechanic thank you for mention it in the article

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