The8BitDrummer Returns With a Fantastic Drum Cover of the Sonic 2 OST in One Take

Last month, Jerod The8BitDrummer performed a spectacular drum cover of the entire Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles soundtrack — in a single take! — during one of his live Twitch streams. His drum cover of Michael Jackson’s legendary Sonic OST made for an intense and physically demanding feat that took nearly 90 minutes to accomplish. Now he’s at it again.

I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more drum covers!

Yesterday, Jerod came back for another go at the Blue Blur’s music history by drumming along to Masato Nakamura’s music from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, covering the tunes from Emerald Hill’s humble beginnings all the way to the reaches of space in the colossal Death Egg, and everything in between!

Check out The8BitDrummer’s Sonic 2 OST drum cover session below, and be sure to watch it all the way through for a “Sweet Sweet Sweet” ending.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Jerod today on YouTube and Twitch and follow him on Twitter to keep track of his phenomenal work!

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


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