Sonic 25th Anniversary Party & Other Events Listed & Dated!

25th events

You may recall how we brought you the news that Sonic’s 25th Anniversary would bring special events throughout the year. Well… we can now bring you details of those events including dates for some of them.

  • Games Developers Conference – celebrating Sonic Dash 2, 25 years of Sonic, art and music.
  • Sonic @ SXSW – History of Sonic Panel.
  • Art Event & Celebration Mural.
  • 25th Aniversary Party
  • Comic Con Events
  • YouTube Unboxing Events & Original Videos.

GDC is March 14-18th, SXSW is March 11-20th and Comic Con is July 21st.

The rest, anyone’s guess, but one of the interesting things is the Unboxing Events, have they just accidentally confirmed a collectors edition of a game with that one?

I for one am quite interested in the 25th Anniversary Party.

Picture Source: Idle Hands

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  1. Classic Video Games? Is that just a random advertising type bullet point or are they planning on re-releasing the older games again?

  2. be amazing if they released a 25th Anniversary collection on like 3 discs etc Disc 1 Genisis era 1991-1997, Disc 2 Dreamcast era 1998-2001 disc 3 moden 2003-2016, doubt it but itd be great to have all titles on 1 platform,
    Anyone think the ps4 and xboxone will have the Genisis titles on the digital store?

    1. To be fair Xbox One does technically already have the Genesis titles aside from &Knuckles thanks to Backwards Compatibility.

  3. Well now we’ve got a bit clearer of an idea as what to expect this year, though I imagine any regular Sonic events like Sonic Boom will still be factored in as well. Although maybe that’s what is meant by “Comic Con Events”.

  4. Well sweet San Diego Comcon 2016 is coming up for Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary awesome I can’t wait to go there if I have to go there because of the tickets right.

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