GE Entertainment Releases Modern Amy Plush


GE Entertainment continues to make our wallets hurt, this time it’s Amy’s turn to get released.

No pricing details provided, because you can’t buy direct from them, have to rely on suppliers. Also oddly, no size measurements were provided this time. Not the first time Amy has had a modern plush, but this is certainly the most happy she’s looked.

As always, only Ebay & Amazon sellers will stock these.

Source: GE Entertainment

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  1. Well most of the modern Amy plush toys before have looked…pretty poor, to be honest. Like the ones from KellyToys and ToyNetwork (especially the latter since they kept stitching her mouth on sideways). While this GE one doesn’t interest me as much as the other plushes they’ve made over the past couple months, it’s at least a good modern Amy plush. One of the best, in fact.

  2. I once bought a Classic Amy from Amazon. I could get a Modern Amy, since the Toy Network one I had was trashed. Don’t ask.

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