Tails and Knuckles Mii Outfits Coming to Smash Bros

Announced today at the final Super Smash Bros. For Wii U/3DS Direct, Tails and Knuckles will finally be showing their faces alongside Sonic in the popular duo of fighting games… though, perhaps not in the form you would have preferred.

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As part of the final wave of Mii Costume DLC, Tails will launch as part of the Mii Gunner series, while Knuckles will appear as a Mii Brawler. Though these costumes add no unique attributes to the base fighter, you can adjust your Miis in various other ways to suit how you best think these characters would work in the Smash Bros universe – with multiple special moves to choose from and badges to apply to adjust their statistics.

On top of this announcement, Mr. Sakurai also shared that QR Codes for Miis will become available soon which will help you to create Miis which best benefit the looks of your Mii Fighter – meaning you can get as close as possible to the pipe dream of having Sonic and co. appear in Smash Bros.

These new costumes will launch February 2016.

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. Oh I remember one thing in Super Smash Bros Final Prasention Video Mii Fighters Costumes has Tails & Knuckles have a perfect Sonic Heroes music into them to be in Super Smash Bros For Wii U & 3DS is just perfect Sakuari thank you for that that is my favorite moment in Super Smash Bros Final Prasention Video is my favorite whole time to see it!

  2. The QR code thing has actually been around since much earlier waves of DLC. I used one for the Viridi outfit. I don’t know why they’re just now bringing attention to it. 😛
    Otherwise, I am okay with this. Sonic is very generously represented in Smash with Sonic as a unique fighter for sure, an assist trophy, a stage, plenty of awesome music, these now new Mii fighter costumes, and probably more trophies related to the series than any other third party character. You usually forget, but there is a wide range of the cast of Sonic represented in the trophies, and I think that alone is something to be thankful for. So to the new costumes I say, thank you Nintendo. I’ll gladly take the offer and thank you again for letting Sonic in on this wonderful experience. Now to wait for these costumes. *sits and waits* 🙂

    1. I was hoping all along for a Dr. Eggman costume too. I’m sad we didn’t get it (since I have an Eggman Mii), but when I heard Sonic Heroes start to play with a Tails costume, I was hyped.

          1. Agreed, ideally all those costumes could also have covered the Mii’s face and head to look like the actual characters, I know it would be against the idea of “your Mii wearing a costume” but there is no doubt those costumes would have sold a lot more that way.

  3. Am I the only one that’s kinda grossed out by these? They look like someone literally skinned the characters and wore them like a fursuit… o_o I’m also kinda disappointed Smash still gets no Klonoa love despite Namco helping to make the game this time around but hey, at least we got Bayonetta, the one no one expected due to her… mature… qualities!

    1. I need to make a comic for this.
      It’ll be of shitty GMod quality, but the point is still there.

  4. Now that I think about this, the Smash ballot ended about two months ago. Sakuari has openly said it take 6 months to a year to program a character. In other words, was Bayonetta the true winner? Is Sakuari messing with us?

    1. Yes, Bayonetta is the overall winner. She was number 1 in Europe, and in the top 5 for other regions.

      Besides, Sakurai mentioned that the ballot would be taken into consideration if and when they start making Smash 5.

      1. I know, but they programmed her in two months. I find that a little hard to agree. Maybe Sakuari lied about how long it takes to make a character or maybe the programmers worked overtime to complete here in two months.

        1. They could’ve started before the ballot ended and she’s still not out yet, a big part of developing a character would be balancing and bug testing

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