Sega to Attend Hamleys Toy Parade


Sega Europe’s community manager just announced via Sega Central that Sega are going to be at the Hamleys toy parade this Saturday in London.

Never heard of this event before?

Well you know how in the US there’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade? Just think that only more toy focused, Regent Street is closed for the day as various characters and mascots dance through the streets along with Father Christmas coming to spread the Christmas cheer.

And Sega is going to be there!

No details were given out as to what they will be doing, just that ‘There will be a few surprises,’ they also didn’t say which of their franchises would be getting promoted, however my money is on Sonic, simply because to my knowledge, Sega doesn’t have any other character mascots/costumes aside from Sonic, also with the Sonic Boom toyline expanding, it just seems like it can’t be anything but Sonic.

We’ll keep you updated with more information as and when we get it.

If you’re able to be in Regent Street (London) this Saturday, be sure to let us know and take lots of pics and be the hero we deserve and need.

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  1. Wooooooow that video was boring.

    I sense zero enthusiasm from this man.

    More like a worn out “Yaaaaaay we’re here… Yippee…” kind of sense.

    This does not bode well for me if employees are still like that. Feel some hype man.

    1. I simply put that down to ‘front of camera manner’. Having contacted and spoken to Dan before, he’s very much on top of his game when it comes to community.

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