GE Entertainment Announces A Super Shadow Plush



Well, there’s no stopping GE Entertainment is there, surprising everyone since they haven’t even teased this, GE have announced a new plush to their Sonic line, and as before it’s one which has never been released in a plush form before.

Super Shadow!

Thats right, Ow the Edgehog, as many call him, will soon be available in his super form for the first time ever. Plush stands at 10 inches tall, no pricing or release date yet, as is usual with these things.

And once again you’ll have to resort to Ebay/Amazon sellers in order to get one… no I don’t understand why this is still a thing either.

So Blue Believers what do you think of this? Like it? Hate it? Needs more Edge? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. I think it would have been better if they had gone with the Shadow the Hedgehog look of Super Shadow, rather than the ugly pale yellow design from SA2.

  2. I’m starting to wonder what else they might make and release. Before long, we’ll probably have plushes based on Motobugs or something.

  3. don’t care if it isn’t the official name still gonna call him Hyper Shadow because that is what I grew up hearing people call him.

      1. Actually, it makes more sense than super since Shadow’s already basically super with his strength, speed, toughness and chaos manipulating abilities. Not that stupid if you think about it instead of just instantly calling people who use a name other than the official one unintelligent.

        1. He’s not really super in his regular form. He just has a lot of abilities.

          I didn’t say they were unintelligent. I said they’re not always the smartest people. Which is true.

  4. And yet again, they STILL HAVEN’T made plushies for Modern Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and a 10 inch Modern Sonic.

      1. Tbh, I feel we get WAAAY too much merch of just those four, it’s a breath of fresh air to see stuff like Big, Vector, and especially Blaze getting stuff since it’s so rare any other characters get spotlight in merchandice.

  5. Damn… I know I’m 30 and that but these are cool as shit! Only Sonic plush I have is one I won in Tokyo Joypolis last year. Is there an official store on Amazon to get these from or do you just have to search. Also, are they licensed? Cheers!

  6. Neato. GE has really been on top of things.

    Now if only Fire and Ice got this amount of announcements amirite? 😉

  7. I’d like to request that GE animation makes a 12-inch modern Sonic plush, and fast. I was really excited and thought they made one, but they don’t and I’m very disappointed. I really don’t want to buy from any other company, and I want my collection to look the same. So please make a modern Sonic that is 12 inches and put it on Amazon. I guarantee you’ll get lots of money for it. I doubt I’m the only person disappointed by he fact that such a thing is not already available…

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