No Summer of Sonic for 2015

sospeopleIn a move which confirms what many suspected, the Summer of Sonic Team have released a statement on their official Facebook page confirming that there will not be an event for this year. However, they do not rule out a return in the future.

Statement is as follows.

We’ve had a lot of questions and lovely messages from fans about this, and so we don’t want to give the wrong impression by not saying anything. So just to clear up what you might have heard, there are no plans for a Summer of Sonic event this year.

The whole team would love to host a show for you again soon, and if the stars align in the future we will shout it from the rooftops.

Thanks again for all of your wonderful support.

So, sad news, but they don’t rule out that it won’t ever be back, so who knows, the future may still hold an event. Anyone got a time stone so we can go right now?

Source: Summer of Sonic Facebook page.



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  1. This is the second year with no Summer of Sonic?! If we get anymore bad news I’m gonna cry, and then once I’m done crying I’m going down to Sega Headquarters and slap those damn corporate money changers in the face for making bad business decisions with Sonic!
    I know Summer of Sonic and Sega themselves are separate from each other but hey, Fight the Power!

  2. This wouldn’t be such bad news if the UK didn’t already suffer from a severe lack of big gaming or game-related events compared to America. ;_;

  3. I hope it returns for 2016. Sonic’s 25th anniversary! It needs to happen! No excuses for 2016! I’m so patient, I’ll wait for an SoS in 2021.

  4. Nothing in 2014, and neither 2015. Come On, Summer of Sonic! Will we be able to see your shiny appearance the next year?

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