Boom Commentaries Uncut: Episode 17 Don’t Judge Me

For the first time in several weeks, no guests! But a very strange Hunger Games elimination in the latter half of the podcast!

Episode 17: YouTube Edition

Episode 17: Uncut Extended Podcast Edition

Also available on itunes!

Kevin, Donnie, Tanner and Tom prepare for the latest Sonic Boom episode and discuss your comments and a number of other Sonic-based topics. Including: What would a version of the introduction sequence with Eggman as the hero look like? Strange Sonic 3 Remastered emails, a bizarre version of Oliver Twist seems to happen and is Tom worse than Tumblr? That and the gang do a play-by-play on Tanner’s mid-week reveal of a Hunger Games contest starring them and others. Who survives the games? And will Tanner survive the end of the show!?

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  1. Very fun episode and commentary here. There were a lot of jokes and expressions that had me nearly spit out Pepsi in laughter. It was awesome.

    I’m curious to see if any of you guys will actually notice the reference to Sonic Underground when it happens. I myself wonder if it will be obvious or sort of a reach.

    1. There was a Sonic Underground reference? How did I, a massive Sonic Underground fan, not pick up on that? o_o

      1. No, but according to Bill Freiberger, there will be (or at least something similar to it.)

          1. Now I think about it, the part where Tails claimed Sonic had a lovely singing voice in this episode could’ve been a reference… Not sure how I missed that before. lol

  2. Knuckles was amazing as a lawyer, seriously can’t wait for the episode where Knuckles runs for mayor.

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