So about a year ago, I made a lengthy article about how it seemed like Jazwares had cancelled it’s entire 2014 Sonic toyline, I was forced to retract that a few months later when about a month later they actually released a Metal Sonic plush, and life was good.
However, it seems I might have been about 10 months early with my original article. If you go to the Jazwares website, you’ll notice that Sonic is no longer listed.
In fact he’s not listed at all on the main page in any categories. However, the Sonic section is still on their site if you visit the page directly, but trying to get there via the main page is no longer possible.
Should also point out, that other franchises which have been cancelled such as Mortal Kombat are also no longer displayed.
So, party over? Or oversight?
Thanks to SSMB member PatMac for the heads up.