Sonic X-Treme Found “Might be possible to Play on PC’s”

Sonic X-Treme Found “Might be possible to Play on PC’s”

This is a developing story.

Sonic X-Treme Box Art

Two weeks ago, it was reported by a user (Jollyroger) on the AssemblerGames forum that he had come into acquisition of what he believes to be Sonic X-Treme. The long and short of it is that a company by the name of ‘Point of View’ was at one point helping out with development of the PC version of the game.

This is the version which if you know the history, is running the more advanced version of the NiGHTS engine which was according to Chris Senn, vastly superior to the Saturn version which Yuji Naka was shown which prompted the projects cancellation.

The user managed to acquire this version of the game, the demo versions which were leaked a few years back are from the Saturn version of the game. (I think).

There’s just… one small problem. To play the files, the game requires some VERY specific hardware which is not easy to come by, specifically a Diamond Edge 3D NVidia NV1 video card and a NVidia NV1 SDK. How hard are these to come by? We’re talking only two on ebay with a price tag of over $200.

However… Cooljerk, member of the Sonic Retro forums has a fully working PC with those components installed and has negotiated with JR, I’m not aware of the details, but CJ believes it ‘MIGHT’ be possible to get the game working in software mode, this means anyone with a PC might be able to get the game to run.

Now, when they say ‘final build’ of the game, we’re talking ‘final’ as in ‘before it were cancelled’ build, not final as in ‘hey lets send this to the store!’ However, Sonic X-Treme was very close to completion when it was axed, so it might be a very near complete game that is in JR’s possession.

We’ll keep you upto date with any details as they become available.

Source: Assembler Games