Rumor: Mario & Sonic 2016 Commissioned by IOC?

Rumor: Mario & Sonic 2016 Commissioned by IOC?

Alternative title: Please help me find something that either totally confirms this news or proves without a shadow of a doubt it’s fake.

mario and sonic

Ok so here’s the deal, every time we get news/tips like this, we do our best to authenticate each one, be it looking into what details are in the rumour or finding evidence which supports the claim via another source. For me, I try to get something which either proves it, or has something which falls in the region of reasonable doubt. With this one… I’m a little stumped. In fact I nearly didn’t news this at all, only I figured if more people are talking about it, then more people can look into if it’s true or not.

So here is the claim.

The International Olympic Committee have commissioned another Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Games title for the Rio 2016 games.

Now on it’s own, I would not have news’d that, reason being, “You might as well have predicted ‘the next Sonic game will have Sonic in it’” because… and I could be wrong with this claim, for every Olympic games since 2008, there has been a Mario and Sonic title, since the IOC commissions these games and they have a video game for every Olympic games, it’s almost a certainty that it’s going to happen again for the Rio games.

So why have I put it up? Well… this is where that reasonable doubt thing comes into it, whilst it doesn’t outright prove or disprove the claim, it adds a lot to suggest it did in fact happen.

The site which originally posted this rumor was a place called, the date of the article was September 29th. So part of the ‘trying to debunk/prove process’ did the International Olympic Committee have a meeting around that date? The answer? Yes they did. The 7th Co-ordination Commission Rio 2016 meeting began on September 29th and was concluded on October 1st This information is readily available on the IOC’s website.

So now things get a bit more interesting. Unfortunately, I’m at a loss as to what specifically was discussed at that meeting, I cannot find any minuets from that meeting, however, other more general news media sites are reporting from that meeting such as demands the IOC is making on the city of Rio and the Olympics in general, so that would suggest something has been made available for either the press or the general public.

Alas, I cannot find it, anywhere… Do you see why I’ve put this up now?

Basically, I know that once I publish this, a lot of people will see it, and given the nature of the news, it’s likely a lot of Mario & Sonic fans will be talking about it, so that’s where everybody else comes in, is there anything at all which backs this up without a shadow of a doubt? Is there anything which utterly backs up or completely discredits it? The more people who are looking, especially those living in regions close to where the Olympics are due to be held, the better the chances are someone will dig something up. Something must have been released to the public or media, otherwise the more general Olympic news would not be getting picked up on

So there you go.

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