Freak-Out Friday: Sonic Adventure 2 Greatest Hits Revisited

Freak-Out Friday: Sonic Adventure 2 Greatest Hits Revisited

I'm sure they'd approve.

I’m sure they’d approve.

Sonic Adventure 2′s vocal themes are some of the most well known the franchise has ever produced. From the big theme song “Live & Learn”, to the classic opening level boarding down the San Francisco-esque city with “City Escape” blaring, these songs are practically embedded in the minds of anyone who picked up the title on either the Dreamcast or Gamecube.

So it comes with great pleasure that I can introduce a stunning collection of remixes of these many vocal themes to you today. By up and coming artist Sonic4ever comes “Sonic Adventure 2 Greatest Hits Revisited”, recently brought to Bandcamp containing a collection of incredible vocal recreations. Not only does the album contain Sonic Adventure 2 themes, but Sonic4ever’s interpretation of Super Sonic Racing and Green Hill Zone!

Give it a listen here! I’m sure you’ll agree – this is some incredible musical talent. Let us know just how steller you thought it was in the comments.

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.