Exclusive Archie Comic Inside of Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal

Exclusive Archie Comic Inside of Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal


Not since the Sonic and the Secret Rings Target exclusive has Archie comics content been included in a Sonic video game but this November, you won’t need to go to any one store to enjoy an exclusive Archie Sonic Boom Story written by Ian Flynn and art by Evan Stanley. IGN has a full article and coverage of several panels from the included comic. As you can see, they are all in a letterbox format to fit the 3DS screen. What I wonder is, will the Comic Art be in 3D as well? Also, will it be available from the start or as an unlockable?

Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal will be on the 3DS on November 11 in the USA and Novermber 21st in the UK. You can check out the IGN article here.

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