Sonic 2’s Lost Holographic Cartridge Labels


Now this is an interesting bit of unknown history. According to Al Nilsen, who at the time was the Director of Marketing for Sega of America back in the 90’s has revealed an unknown tid bit regarding Sonic 2’s release. That being, the cartridges were to be a little different to the usual cartridges which were out on the market. Sega had planned to make Sonic 2’s cartridge stand out from the crowd.


Sonic 2 had a rather large marketing campaign behind it known as Sonic 2’s day and a scrapped plan was for the initial release of games to have holographic cartridge labels. Mr Nilsen recently showed off the labels via twitter and said that the reason they didn’t go ahead is that it was too costly.

Source: Al Nilsen’s Twitter

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  1. Way too costly. So why didn’t they make limited edition ones with the holographic sticker since they did at least get round to printing a minimum of say 200 stickers (my assumption is from the photo)? Don’t get me wrong it is a cool idea but it feels a little bit like a waste with those stickers he has shown us.

    1. You’re talking about a 22 year old product. Limited editions weren’t as popular back then.

    2. This was way before the idea of a limited edition video game. Plus, 200 is a drop in the ocean compared to what the game sold. Not worth the effort and not profitable.

  2. Sega. Please sell these labels somehow. Make it a pre-order bonus for Boom/Whatever is next or something. I need to have the best Sonic 2 possible.

        1. People already played the game at E3. And they’re negative to mixed controversy.

          1. “And they’re negative to mixed controversy”

            as usual if not that is par for the course. Freaking fanboys.

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