Sonic Features at Summer Games Done Quick Marathon

Sonic Features at Summer Games Done Quick Marathon

Quick update: The Summer Games Done Quick speedrunning marathon is running right now to raise moneys for Doctors Without Borders (the American branch of Medecins Sans Frontieres).

Their Sonic the Hedgehog segment is due to start at around 8:30pm UK time tonight, featuring Sonic 2, Sonic Advance 2, Sonic Unleashed, and the finest Sonic game in history… Tails Adventure.

Donating during this segment will enter you in a raffle for a prize of a Sega Genesis with a load of Sonic games included. The whole event is well worth a watch, though.

Summer Games Done Quick

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Ian, aka "bmn", is the guy that keeps TSS up and running. If something goes wrong, you know who to blame call.


        1. But Saturn looks, sounds, and plays better.

          Doesn’t it? I don’t own a Saturn and they haven’t ported it yet. 😐

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