Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal E3 Trailer


Incoming E3 content! Nintendo have just released a trailer for Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal for Nintendo 3DS. Showing off a plethora of gameplay from our heroes traversing the environments with their unique abilities, you can certainly see the classic 2D Sonic game influence injected into the game with speedy sections and corkscrews abound. Check it out above and leave a comment below letting us know what you think. Will you be buying Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal?

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. It’s looking pretty awesome! But it’s sort of weird how the trailers are put together as if they were a kid’s CG movie. But, I guess that’s something of the target audience.

  2. okay, so, since it’s a different title, is it a different story from the wii version? also, is amy just removed from the game?

    1. The two games are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAMES. They have different stories, different gameplays, and different characters (by one).

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