A Statement from the Summer of Sonic Team


It’s no secret that many people have been anticipating news of the next Summer of Sonic event. Well, a short while ago, The Summer of Sonic Organisers/Team have issued a statement regarding this years event.

Their statement is as follows.

Every year, The Summer of Sonic team dreams of new ways to excite and inspire like-minded Sonic the Hedgehog fans, with large-scale conventions that aim to bring people together under a common theme.

Due to the nature of how the annual event is organised, each Summer of Sonic event hinges on the availability of key team players, as they help build the show in their spare time – alongside SEGA personnel who also must work around their daily duties.

With this in mind, it is after a lot of consideration that we have decided to put Summer of Sonic on hiatus for 2014. During this hiatus, we will take stock of the things we have accomplished with SEGA and then decide when we will be able to return for another round of Sonic excitement.

The team would like to express our sincere thanks for the continued support of our fellow Sonic fans, as well as our apologies for any disappointment this news may cause.

Since its début in 2008, the Summer of Sonic has been a truly pioneering event, entertaining thousands of fellow Sonic the Hedgehog fans from all corners of the world with the mantra of providing a convention by the fans, for the fans.

Its creation also marks a significant milestone in the video games industry – these past six years this small team of adoring fans have enjoyed an extremely close working partnership with the company responsible for the products and characters they grew up with and love. This close interaction between brand and community is unprecedented to this day, and shows SEGA as a company ahead of the curve when it comes to fan engagement.

As such, the team would like to thank SEGA and the Sonic Team for its support for the convention – both past, present and future.

Source: Summer of Sonic Website.

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  1. While this news doesn’t affect me (I live in the States), I can see how this news will sadden quite a few British Sonic fans. Still, I can understand why the decision was made: this hiatus will help the team better plan for potential future events and will help them be able to better work around their busy life schedule to make it happen in a BIG way.

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  3. Wow, this really sucks for the fans across the pond.

    Since I live in NYC, I’ll finally be able to go to a Sonic-centric con for once, but I do feel really bad for the UK Sonic faithful who will have to possibly wait until 2015 for another Summer of Sonic.

    Here’s to hoping that SoS is back on next year!

  4. Gutted.

    It was my first ever one last year and I loved it. Was planning a return this year, but I guess it’ll have to wait a bit longer.

    Still Kudos to those that made it an awsome event – not an easy task at all, I look forward to the return…….as long as it does not bring a “return feeling” like Sonic 4 Ep1!!!

  5. Sad to now, but i dint plan to go this year since i live in Sweden but if it will be next year then maybe i can go. Dont now how much money i will need to fly to UK and i have other plans for this summer. I am going on a game/anime convent here in Sweden called Närcon 🙂

  6. I only got to go in 2010, it really feels like circumstances are conspiring to prevent me from ever being able to go back 😛

  7. Whom do I need to contact to organise an interview to be a part of the team that sacrifices their free time in order to help set everything up a day before the actual con?
    I’m being deadly serious, don’t even think I’m kidding. I’m willing to give up literally all of my time to help this convention stay strong.

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