Introducing the Sonic Stadium Mail Box!

Happy Birthday Sonic Stadium, and congratulations on making it into your teenage years! Hopefully the Sonic Stadium will continue to be as exciting a place as it has been for the last thirteen years, and hopefully there won’t be too many mood swings or spots as the site hits puberty (but plenty of dates with other sites!) .

It doesn’t seem like five minutes since I joined the staff here and wrote my first article on Sonic Rush Adventure; that was six-and-a-half years ago now, meaning I’ve been writing for TSS for half its lifetime…doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?

To celebrate, we are launching a new monthly front page feature at TSS, the Sonic Stadium Mailbox! The mailbox is a podium for you guys, the Sonic Stadium readers, to have your say, to show off your skills, or to write to us about anything Sonical for that matter! If you have an opinion on the most recent Sonic title, a funny story you want to share, a question to ask us or if you simply want to show off a bit of art you’ve made, you can now send it in to us!

spesonicEach month we will publish the best letters, pictures and messages on the front page; we will also pick a star letter each month, which will receive a snazzy prize and the envy of your peers. This month, the writer of our favourite letter will receive a shiny new SEGA Prize Europe Sonic plush for their efforts!

You can send all your mail to our new email address,

From all of us here at the Sonic Stadium, thank you all for your support over the years, whether you’ve been a regular visitor, a member of the SSMB, a follower of the Sonic Show or an attendee at Summer of Sonic…it’s been one heck of a ride so far, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future!

Stay ICE (but not too ice…winter is coming!)

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Aw, sweet! I’m working on a Sonic project right now. I might just have to send it it when it’s finished.

  2. Yes, oh, yes! Now, for some real stories from the community to boost the team spirit among us. This was a bright idea, T-Bird, and whoever else had a hand in dreaming this up. The first month’s publication and the many more afterward are certainly going to be chock full of silly surprises and brainy contributions.

  3. along with “art” and other things, will videos be allowed? (like stop motions, if they are of good quality)?

      1. great! Just finished my sonic stopmotion halloween special, it will be uploaded to yuotube on halloween, would i need to email a link to it for it to be considered?

  4. Well, thats really cool!! Also I can’t believe Sonic Rush Adventure is more than 6 years old, I love that game and I keep playing it from time to time like if it was new.

  5. Sounds like a really cool idea. I’ve got two of those plushes already one I got from putting £1 in the claw machine. The other cost me around £20… But it was worth it.

  6. To any moderator who sees this, the US Sonic Lost World commercial just debuted! Please make this an article..!

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