Blaze For Blaze in Sonic Dash’s Second Global Challenge


Following the success of the previous Sonic Dash Global Challenge, a new challenge has been issued by SEGA and Hardlight Studios, this time with the fiery princess of the Sol Dimension up for grabs!

The 2nd Global Challenge will allow players to unlock Blaze the Cat as a playable character upon beating personal records, and, just like the last challenge, cannot be accomplished alone!


Your progress, filling up the left gauge, will be tallied along with fellow players around the world to reach the combined target, filling up the right gauge! With four stages to complete, should both personal and global targets be reached, Blaze will be free to blaze through the endless Seaside Hill as much as she pleases!

Here’s the catch: we’ve gotta rush for this one since we only have 9 days. Challenge ends on October 6th, so let’s get to work!

Be warned that, due to the recent release iOS 7, you may experience certain errors in-game if you hadn’t updated your Sonic Dash app since the past few days. The last update allows access to the latest Global Challenge, so if you’ve already accepted the challenge, you should be fine!

Source: SEGA Blog

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


    1. Nah, you should be happy you did it. iPhones are no more than overpriced piles of trendy anal fungus.

  1. I’m so getting this, and I’m glad Blaze is getting this much recognitiion but what I really want is Sonic Rush 3DS with Sonic and Blaze playable!!!

  2. So Sega put second global challenge like laps of one, two, or ,three of one hundred laps only to unlock Shadow The Hedgehog .

  3. First Shadow and now Blaze?
    Let’s not forget that both of these characters are quite popular because they are similar to Sonic but with different abilities.
    I’ve been wondering though, Does anyone else think that Sega is holding these challenges to see if people still care about these characters?
    I know that a lot of us have been dreaming of a future game where we will finally be able to control other characters besides Sonic of course.
    Tails, Knuckles, Shadow and Blaze all control similarly to Sonic in their respective games but with different abilities as I’ve stated before.
    Tails and Knuckles in the Classic Games, Shadow in Sonic Adventure 2 and Blaze in the Sonic Rush Series.

    1. If is, Blaze is failing hard.

      Probably we never will see her again if she don’t get out of Stage 1.

      1. That’s a darn shame.
        I would understand that if it were a challenge to unlock Silver or even Rouge because they’re just not as popular as Shadow or Blaze.
        Don’t get me wrong though, I like both Silver and Rouge as characters but even I can see that they just wouldn’t make it because Silver was the new character in that awful abomination known as Sonic 06 and Rouge is a furrys wet dream for Hentai comics.
        I still think Blaze has a good chance but if things don’t improve by the 4th day then I fear that she might not see another game for awhile.

  4. Looking for friends to add on this but really wish they’d make a system that was easier to add people on instead of through facebook argh

  5. But…. it’s now 7 days left and we’re still in stage 1… :-\
    The Global progress seems to not working out right, I guess? Or there aren’t many people playing this game? :-/

  6. Is the global meter for every1 playing sonic dash or just for friends cas I feel like it only moves when I play and I’m doing it by myself think itz on 138 now but it never moves,what’s up w that?

  7. Global challenge meter not working!! Or nobody plays this anymore!!
    Please read as I don’t want to miss out on new character as I have
    Put in lots of hours

  8. I have completed stage 1 but the world didnt and i am still at stage 1 how do i unlock blaze if im still trapped at stage 1 have 46. Can someone help me?

  9. I want Blaze. I’ve been playing Sonic Dash alot, despite the game has been lagging on my iPhone 4 as of late. I’ve done earned a good set of points and filled up my first progress bar extremely quickly, but my Global Bar is moving at the speed of Molasses in January. If only my points are counting towards the Global Challenge, then Sega needs to fix this problem now, and extend our time to get Blaze, because this just ain’t right!

  10. All I know is, I’ve been working at this Sonic Dash Challenge for a while and it seems that the Global meter hasn’t increased in the slightest which is a true shame because it doesn’t make any sense at all. I mean, if the meter fills only if everyone who owns Sonic Dash is actually playing then that’s a sign that the game in general is decreasing in popularity. But I doubt that because all my friends are playing the game and filled up their personal meters plus Blaze is a very popular female Sonic character so I think there’s something wrong with the system and the new update. Either way, if I can’t buy Blaze with Red Rings on the day the challenge ends I’m not going to be happy.

    1. Weird, My Global Meter is filling but OBLY my own points….
      But the system is indeed way out if there are people playing this, and the meter doesn’t work right..

      (my Global meter stands on ±47%? , “your contribution 342” for now.)

  11. Ok Hardlight, what’s the deal with this challenge? I’ve put about 800 or so points into this challenge and I’m still not out of the first section and it seems to be a problem all over the world. When you made this update did you screw up something? I feel like this was such a true waste of time. Thanks alot. Greatly appreciated.

  12. The meter increased to more than half tonight, but it’s still in Stage 1. I think the main problem is that the new iOS deleted a lot of people’s progress and no one wants to go through with playing from scratch again as well as the fact that many others are still waiting on Android. This really was the most inopportune time for the global challenge….

  13. Speed up the global meter with every one of us doing a short 100k-point run, tripping over intentionally after 100k points. Repeat it over again and again. See what happens.
    I hope this trick works…

  14. I’ve already contributed over 1000 points to the cause, and I’m not slowing down anytime soon. That said, however, what I’d really like to see from this game is options in the “theme” of the Levels you race through. Like a Stardust Speedway Themed Level complete with an unlockable Metal Sonic. THAT would be awesome.

  15. I’m now at 7231. Four days remaining. You can do a lot in four days, including the impossible, and besides, stage 1 is mostly done, and it’s called a challenge for a reason, so let’s do the impossible!

    For anyone who hasn’t worked it out yet, this challenge doesn’t reward you for insanely high scores, if you’ve been playing long enough to complete all missions (you get x40 score with dash meter left full!), you can really rack up the contribution points by repeatedly just scoring 100,000 and then ending your run for a quick and easy 9 points (only 3 more at 500,000). Breaking records is a complete waste of time here, this is a task of repetition.

    Leave dash meter full to earn double points. Kill as many enemies as you can with a single roll (3 swipes down for a long roll) to increase points much faster. And for the love of sausages, go into the options, mute the game’s sound and music and listen to your own choice of music, you’ll have blood coming out your ears if you listen to that same tune for too long.

    In some cases, I’m ready to end my run before I even hit the first set of springs, though I do like to try and keep my rings, so bumping into solid objects and falling into the water (though sometimes characters completely defy gravity and just carry on running on thin air, forcing me to carry on. WTF?) are the way to go.

    Now, I’ve never done a hashtag in my life, but I’ll put one here. Let’s…


    It’s cool for cats.

  16. Hmmpp now I am finally in stage 2 by myself, but with 4 days remaining is a little to hard to come at the 4th

  17. 2nd stage but 4 days remaining… I’m not giving up because I’m not going to afford Blaze with my OWN money. I’m sure you all don’t want to do the same. It’s POSSIBLE to get to Blaze if we work at it. I’m trying to play as much as I can so we can get a big push.

    Good luck to all with the same ambition as me.


  18. Don’t you guys get it? They made the challenge stupidly difficult and added a time limit so we end up having to PAY for blaze. They aren’t expecting us to actually beat it, that’s why it feels so broken.

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not stopping till I hit 10,000. Who’s with me?

  19. My contribution has hit 10,000 exactly, and I’m just going to keep going.

    We’re almost halfway through stage 2 now, we can do this!

  20. hmmp…my contributes don’t match with all of you here?
    I’m almost in the 3rd stage with only 1057….? :O

    1. That’s not how it works, the meter isn’t “technically” broken, but it sure as hell feels that way. But anyway, come on guys, 2 days to complete 2 stages! We can do this, we’ve worked hard and we are GOING to get our payoff!

      We’ve cleared an entire stage over the course of 1.5 days, but we need everyone to contribute everything they can now that we’ve proven it’s still possible.

      We gotta go hard… We gotta go strong… We gotta…. Gotta… Gotta go fast…

  21. Update –

    I have completed 3rd stage but global bar isn’t completed. It’s going slow but it’s budging now and again. I know we are all close; so keep it up guys!


  22. *Dalek voice*



    *Runs and hides from Android users*

  23. Just completed the third stage 😀
    However, It’s already the final day and the global bar STILL hasn’t been full yet.
    I think we’re pretty screwed here…

  24. Final day! Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, fasterfasterfaster!

    Go quick! Don’t think! Just go go go go gogogogogogo!

  25. How are we on the final day when it’s only Friday on the other side of the world from me. It said we had till Sunday.

  26. OMG I’m so close to getting blaze but nobody will play… I’m a huge sonic fan and I’m heartbroken tht I can’t get blaze cuz nobody will play

  27. Final day, huh? I’m at 18,008, I’m going for 20,000+. Wake up world, as unlikely as it may seem, we CAN do this! Let’s do it to it!

    1. Ooh, They’ve extended it! I know they had been saying the 6th, but earlier this morning the in-game progress page said “Final Day”. It says “3 Days Remaining now, which is good.

      No excuses now, world! Let’s do this!

  28. Were my words of a time expansion heard? This is surely a great day! 3 days remaining, and the Global Challenge Bar seems to be filling up. This is it fellas. Time to step it up a notch.

  29. Umm… My global bar is kinda just stuck at the end of stage 3. It says it’s full but it isn’t letting me continue. Is anyone else having this problem?

  30. Just learned about the global challenge. Finished on the first day I tried playing. However, I can already unlock Blaze but the community can’t! Was all my playing for nothing!!?

  31. If Sega doesn’t do something about that global meter then I’m gonna get pissed! If we do get Blaze, this will be the best global challenge ever!

  32. -Update

    I have completed every stage. I just need the star prize global bar to fill up. So close! And to add on I can almost afford Shadow. (Double yay).

  33. I’ve now hit 25,000 exactly.

    As someone who bought the game the day it was released and played the hell out of it since (it’s basically the classic Sonic arcade game that never was… but featuring modern Sonic slowed to classic’s speed), needless to say, I’m a little sick of Sonic Dash now because of this challenge, I’m going to have nightmares about playing it and wake up in the middle of every night screaming “NOOOOOOO!!! NOT SONIC DASH!!! ANYTHING BUT SONIC DASH!!!” for months. lol

    Come on world, we’re on the final stage, don’t give up now!

  34. Is anyone else having connection troubles with this game? Also, we’re seriously on the final day and Blaze’s meter is only halfway completed. I honestly believe we’re not going to complete it and that’s just gonna suck, truly.

    1. Yeah it’s been having connection issues all day for me. Also they extended it to Monday, although it says Tuesday.

  35. I had that internet thing too yesterday. And we need a BIG push because we are on final day.

    1. Don’t be fooled. It may say until “Tuesday” But actually the Challenge ends Monday Night at 12:00am-which starts Tuesday. This is literally our final hours to get this done now.

  36. Alright here’s the deal and I know it may be too late to say this now but I’ll do it anyways.

    The Challenge ends TONIGHT. Not Tomorrow or Tuesday. The Challenge will more than likely end, despite what the system says, at Monday Morning: 12:00 Am. That means this is our Final Day to get this Challenge done and over with so we never have to deal with it again.

    The easiest way to do build up points is this: Race until your score reaches “100,000”. Then, die, hit a wall, fall off, whatever. By doing so, you’ll receive 9 Points added to your total Points Pool then just restart another runthrough. Its the fastest way because, even if you score high, you don’t receive that many points. At 100,000 You Receive 9 Points. At 500,000 You receive ONLY 12 Points. At 1,000,000 you’ll receive ONLY 15 points.

    See how that works? The Challenge is completely misleading. Its not about who scores the Highest, but rather, getting the most points Possible. For those of us who’ve done all the missions and have a multiplier of x40, you should be able to get 100,000 easy before you reach your first of second spring. Then just kill yourself, add the points and restart. Its literally the fastest way in increase the Global Meter and by figuring this out, i went from 200 Points to 3000 in 2 days.

    Finally, if anyone knows how to contact Sega and Hardlight directly, show them this post. Because they didn’t explain the challenge well enough so we could truly understand how it works since its not as straightforward as Shadow’s. And also tell them that the game seems to be having Connection Issues randomly, even when I’m right next to the router in my own damn home and I know I’m not the only one with this problem. Either way, if we don’t unlock Blaze and if she isn’t sold to us Cheaply for Red Rings or even given to us for free because of all the crap that went wrong with this system, I honestly might be too annoyed at this game to even bother playing it any longer because this challenge has wiped out almost all of my enthusiasm about playing this game any longer.

    1. no…. they have extended the time. -.-
      The Original time was today, Sunday, but they have extended it by 1 or 2 days (System says Tuesday), but that doesn’t matter anymore. We are almost done in the final stage and still got a Monday, so were’re fine.

      1. Not trying to challenge you but we do not know that.. We had a change of date once and we ca’t be 100% sure. Since the times hasn’t exactly been accurate I’m pushing today because I’d have to kick myself later if it ended. (But again who knows, you might be right).

        1. I’m quite sure it’s right. Otherwise SEGA would lie.
          Try clicking on the rightside of the “waiting for internet connection” on the [?] (behind the red balk) on it’s meter page:

          “Unlock all four stages BEFORE TUESDAY, 8 OCTOBER and win the star prize!”
          This text USED to be this: “unlock all four stages before Sunday, 6 October and win the star prize!”.

          So we are already on the Sunday were it WAS supposed to end. And next to that we also got a Monday to complete the Global Challenge.

          When it IS Tuesday the Challenge is most likely over.

  37. Soo I contributed 35,000 points exactly so far. An I discovered that I HATE Sonic Dash now lol… We better make this Global challenge otherwise I think I’ll cry. Other then that I discovered a few interesting glitches and fun things to do in the game:-).. In the temple level u don’t have to jump an hit the flying fishes when you have 3. If you jump far to the left Sonic can run on the air!!! Only happened once in the sea level.. It’s hard to hit but it’s cool when it happens.. Also I always wondered if you actually went faster when you swipe down and sonic does a roll well I timed it and you do go faster about 1.5 sec faster then just running. So faster game play faster point rack up also just get to 40xs the points and usually u make 9 points can do about 100 points every 3-4 min figure you spend a hour playing you make like 1000 points playing in a hour! So you can make pretty good progress. Anyways make every point count!!!! What else oh yeah made like 25 points one time cause keeped 40xs the points for a mill in a half.. If you use the dash it just takes your 40xs away and points away.. So DAsh is BAD!! Well back to work soo everyone pitch in!!!

  38. Soo I contributed 35,000 points exactly so far. An I discovered that I HATE Sonic Dash now lol… We better make this Global challenge otherwise I think I’ll cry. Other then that I discovered a few interesting glitches and fun things to do in the game:-).. In the temple level u don’t have to jump an hit the flying fishes when you have 3. If you jump far to the left Sonic can run on the air!!! Only happened once in the sea level.. It’s hard to hit but it’s cool when it happens.. Also I always wondered if you actually went faster when you swipe down and sonic does a roll well I timed it and you do go faster about 1.5 sec faster then just running. So faster game play faster point rack up also just get to 40xs the points and usually u make 9 points can do about 100 points every 3-4 min figure you spend a hour playing you make like 1000 points playing in a hour! So you can make pretty good progress. Anyways make every point count!!!! What else oh yeah made like 25 points one time cause keeped 40xs the points for a mill in a half.. If you use the dash it just takes your 40xs away and points away.. So DAsh is BAD!! Well back to work soo everyone pitch in!!!

  39. Final day and now it is saying Internet connection problems similar to what everyone else has been experiencing come on sega sort it out we’ve only hours left and the meters are nearly full

  40. All my bars are full even the global one and yet I still don’t have Blaze! There’s no little tick next to my last global bar either! I’m so confused! Someone help!

  41. Prohably one of the first people to play with Blaze! It was awesome and worth it. A lot of hard work and anxiety.

    With just 1 hour remaining, we pulled it off :D, somehow. I wonder what the next challenge and prize will be 😀

  43. I just played as blaze on sonic dash she rocks! Am I the only one who’s played as her already?

    1. You’re telling me. I’m still messing up on instinct but Blaze was worth it in the end. I just hope the next challenge isn’t as bad or we just get the characters for free. Now I’m going to put this game down for about a week before I crush my phone

      1. hmmp… I guess I’m also going to do the same.. :-\
        but indeed it was worth it 😛

        (Next Challenge could be Silver? xD)

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