Summer of Sonic Donation Drive


I have been asked to post the following on behalf of everyone at Summer of Sonic.


For the past 6 years, Summer of Sonic has had one goal. To provide a place where Sonic fans can meet each other and make friends in a safe and welcoming environment. There is however a secondary goal which has been, ‘to make it better than the last year,’ or to put it another way, ‘can we do something extra special?’

In order for us to accomplish these goals, every year, SOS staff have had to put their own money into the event in order to make sure it runs as smoothly as it can. Sometimes this money goes towards small things; things that you would never think have been paid for by staff, such as props or various items that we use for stage events or to make items that you see around SOS. To much larger things, like ensuring we can get certain people to attend in order to make the event very special.

But we have a limit, and we’re quickly approaching it. This is why we’re now asking you for help.

Please don’t get the wrong idea, SOS is still happening, it’s free, and there are still some very big announcements to come. But, we need some help. We’ve avoided trying to ask you for help, but, it’s come to the stage where we have to ask you for help.

A number of people have generously asked us if they could support the event in some way, with the form of donations. First of all, we’d like to take the time to thank these people for their kindness, even the gesture of asking us if they could help blew us away as we were not expecting it.

With that in mind, if you wish to donate to SOS, please visit our paypal donation page where you can donate to the event. Anything donated will go directly into this year’s event in order to help us our secondary goal, to do something extra special.

Thanks for reading, and see you on August 3rd.



The Summer of Sonic Team.

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  1. I’ve been asking for years if I could donate! I’ll happily send whatever I can when I can 🙂

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