The Summer of Sonic website has made it’s first guest announcement, Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching will be returning for this years event.
2013 will mark the 20th anniversary of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic, first published back 1993, so if you are old enough to remember walking into a newsagent and picking up issue 1 with those stickers on the cover, why not come meet two of the main reasons as to why the comic became so popular and ran for as long as it did?
Both Nigels will be at a meet and greet session at the signing booth and art classes will be happening this year too, details will be announced at a later date.
Furthermore, the art corner will be returning to SOS this year, so if you fancy putting pen to paper and wowing your fellow fans with your art skills, they’ve got you covered. As with previous SOS’ there will be prizes given out, thats right, the art competition is also returning.
For the full story, check out the SOS website if you havn’t already done so.
May I ask who are these guys and what are they popular for? (Yeah sure just throw their names in and everyone will know exactly who they are)
If you read the article a little more closely you would know, or at least guess, that they worked on Sonic the Comic. Okay, so it’s not exactly spelled out, but the context makes it clear.
so two guys were working Sonic the comic books in 1993. And they are going to make same as Sonic 20th Anniversary.
Nigel D only started in 1995 (aside from a Poster Mag he did in 1994)…
One of these two announced attending this year’s event a couple months on Facebook right? Nice to know there’s official word now.
The American Sonic the hedgehog comics have also been around for 20 years so why aren’t they getting any love? It’s not like Sonic the comic was better, right?
(not to mention how the American one still actually prints)
Probably because it’s a UK convention. It’s even harder trying to get American artist’s/writers to take time off there schedules to come to the event.
Doesn’t matter of the archie comics are still in print. It’s still widely considered by many that the UK STC comics were well received far more for their more mature and engaging storylines and art than that of archie’s.
“Doesn’t matter of the archie comics are still in print. It’s still widely considered by many that the UK STC comics were well received far more for their more mature and engaging storylines and art than that of archie’s. ”
In the UK. I think I already covered how this comic is overrated, but I digress.
In America, you’d be pressed to find anyone who knows what a “Nigel Kitching” is, let alone acknowledge the existence of a Sonic comic from Europe. I mean, real talks, they’re just as surprised to learn that the Archie book is still running and that Sonic has any lasting relevance.
The American comics were definitely worse than STC until Flynn picked up the pen. These days it’s a matter of preference but during STC’s print run there’s no contest.
And just because something’s no longer in print doesn’t mean it’s not notable or worthy of celebration.
If you actually want to go into the argument of length… technically I would argue that STC has actually lasted longer. STC was a forghtnightly things Vs archies monthly thing. What takes archie 6 months or in some cases years to tell… Fleetway would have it done in under a month.
If anything, the comics main flaw was that it reached burnout far too early.