Third Sonic Game Isn’t Coming This Year


Despite what Nintendo of Germanyโ€™s press release said last week, SEGA has confirmed to IGNโ€™s Rich George that the third Sonic game will not be arriving this year. This means that the third game in Nintendoโ€™s three game deal may be more than a digital title or a spin off. It also means that this exclusive deal won’t be ending for a little while. Will Nintendo fans be getting another main Sonic title next year? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. I kinda saw this coming. The parnership between Sega and Nintendo couldn’t of just lasted one year. Now I’m prayin for a new sonic and mario platformer or another storybook game!

  2. I think is the third one is Mario and Sonic Kart racing I check the website.

  3. This third game better be well done… ๐Ÿ™‚ I mean, my theory of Lost World being a Mario & Sonic crossover is pretty much shot down now (despite the so obviously copied world map and other features) so this one could be nice.

  4. I honestly feel that Mario Kart crossover a stupid idea. Why would Nintendo want to compete with their own title and SEGA competing with their other racing title? Three Kart Racers? A little too much in my opinion. I hope it’s a far more original idea and not a kart racer.

  5. Hope the third Sonic exclusive is another main sonic game, a game that has Shadow playable and maybe has a similar gameplay to Sonic Lost World… Or it doesn’t really have to be main, just not another racing game or spin-off…

  6. I feel that SEGA may be pulling another Colors and Generations, where both were in development simultaneously, but came out a year apart. I have a feeling that SEGA is doing it with Lost World, and another plat former Sonic.

    Wii U owners could be in for another 3D Sonic for 2014…

  7. Could be a new Sonic Rush title for the 3Ds?maybe not.
    Because the 3Ds’ top screen is bigger than the bottom,and sonic rush’s traditional 2 screen gimmick wouldn’t would not work well on the 3Ds.Maybe it would be a 3D game?

  8. I’m good with this, I was really worried that the 3 games were going to cannibalize each other sales. And now this means that the third game could be virtually anything! These are my top guesses:

    1- Sonic Rush 3D (Because of fan demand, also it would coincide with previous rumors)
    2- Sonic and Nintendo crossover (Perhaps a racing or a fighting game)
    3- New Sonic Storybook game
    4- Sonic Chronicles 2

    I didn’t include Sonic 4: Epuside III on the list because the previous two were multi platform so it’s very unlikely.

    1. I like all that was said here, any of these would be awesome. More things to look forward to, my poor wallet.

      1. There better be a sequel to chronicles indeed! Being a fourth grader and being left with that ending is pure torchure! I wanna know what happens next!!!! ๐Ÿ™

      2. Sorry to break this up to you but there is little chance for a Chronicles sequel, the thing is that Bioware made that game and they had plans for the sequel but the company was adquired by EA so perhaps there was a change of plans. But even if they indeed want to make Sonic Chronicles 2 then there is the Kender’s lawsuit in which he’s suing Archie comics for the stories and characters he created and is also suing Bioware for taking inspiration from his work for the story and characters of Sonic Chronicles.

        1. I heard a little bit about that EA thing earlier, and I took the benefit of the doubt, but that Kender’s lawsuit really caught me off guard just now.(Isn’t the guy’s name Ken Penders?)That really hits it out of the ball park that there is little chance for a sequel. It may not be the happiest news I’ve gotten today, but thanks anyway for telling me. At least I can know now that even if Bioware wanted to make that sequel, they couldn’t possibly due to all that conflict. Curse you Ken Penders! ๐Ÿ™

          1. LOL, yeah it’s Penders, I got his name and last name mixed up, and yeah maybe because of him we will never get a sequel, or maybe if Archie and Sega win the case we will get the sequel in development shortly after, perhaps Bioware it’s just waiting for the resolution of the case to give the game the green light.

        2. Well, maybe they shouldn’t have made it a damn cliffhanger then. They were only allowed by SEGA to make one game at the time. There was no guarantee for a sequel at all whatsoever. And now look at the situation. The only thing we CAN do is pretend the events in the game never happened, which is super painful if you really enjoyed the game (like me).

  9. I don’t think they are going to release a main Sonic title. It is possible that they are releasing another game like Sonic and Mario Kart or whatever it’s called.

  10. I thought Sonic Lost World is the new main-series, y’know the “large” project. Now I’m thinking maybe the one coming out in 2014 will be it.

  11. I still need a Wii U!! If anything, I’m hoping it’s Sonic Adventure 3~ ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Oh well, it’s not like I was going to get a Wii U just for Mario/Sonic and Lost Worlds anyway.

    Take as long as you like! Let the Wii U’s library expand, let it get a price drop.. yes yes, no hurry ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Not all that surprised, to be honest. We still don’t know what it is.

    But last night I had a dream that it was released without anyone knowing, and it turned to be a full scale Super Mario Bros remake, with Sonic and co cameoing and controlled by DK bongos….

  14. Figured. Seemed a bit strange for all three to be released in the same year. Nintendo would be sure to keep the partnership alive for a little while longer.

    I do hope it’s the next installment of the storybook series with Greek myths as the theme. That would be hilarious. …Or horror. I could do with a happy-go-lucky Shadow to horrify fans. XD

    As for Sonic Adventure 3, it could happen eventually, but as always I’m not going to hold my breath. Sonic Adventure 3 = Duke Nukem Forever, in my books. …Except, at least the latter DID come out eventually and actually exists XD (No, I don’t count Unleashed and Sonic 2006 as the true one. Intended to be but became something entirely different.)

    1. I can understand how Unleashed has something to make it different, but if you ask me, Sonic ’06 has nothing to differentiate it from being Sonic Adventure 3. Examples: You snowboard down a mountain like you do in Sonic Adventure, you snowboard in a city like you do in Sonic adventure 2, you have hub worlds like in Sonic adventure, there are multiple playable characters- some with their own story- like in Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, the final boss isn’t Doctor Eggman but some other creature like in Sonic adventure 1 & 2, the checkpoints look exactly the same as the ones in Sonic adventure 1 & 2, you have the light speed dash like in both adventures, you have the bounce ability like in Sonic adventure 2, you have a sonic look-alike like in Sonic Adventure 2, levels don’t have acts like in Sonic adventure 1 & 2, there is an orca whale chasing you down a boardwalk and destroying it like in Sonic adventure 1, and 2-D sections are nowhere to be found like in Sonic Adventure 1 & 2. Can’t you see that the list is endless? It may not have been named it, but Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) is Sonic Adventure 3.

      1. Except ’06 erased itself and never technically happened (unless you count it as another universe), so by that logic it has yet to actually happen XD

        No, I’m not trying to start a fight, just stating what I think as you are yourself :3

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