“Oh Yeah!” Sonic 4 & Sonic CD coming to the Ouya!


If you havn’t heard of the Ouya yet, you probably won’t care much about this particular bit of news, and if you don’t know what Ouya is, then you might want to look it up.

Anyway, on june 27th, Sega is going to release three Sonic games on the system, they include, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (episode 1 & 2) and Sonic CD, all of which have been optimised for Ouya’s Tegra 3 processor.

The interesting part about this deal is the change in strategy. When players download the titles, they will be able to play a the first levels of Sonic 4 episode 1 and Sonic CD for free, and the first two levels of Sonic 4 Episode 2 for free. If they like the game, they can purchase the full game later on.

Each game will cost $6.99 each. The deal is only for these three titles and there was no mention of plans to expand the number of Sega games at this time.

So… anyone here actually getting an Ouya?

Source: Gamesindustry.biz

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  1. Meh. The Ouya looks boring to me. Im not going to chastise it or anything since I really dont know too much about it, but From what I hear, its very Indie game and Homebrew heavy. Which is fine, but I dont really like to gamble with my games and that always seems to happen whenever I try out an Indie game. And Homebrew is a bit too complicated for the likes of me.

  2. I can’t wait! the Ouya comes out 10 days after my birthday so it’ll be easy for me to get it on launch.

  3. Sonic CD and Sonic The Heegehog 4 episode 1 or Sonic The Hedgehog 4 episode 2 release date June 27th on Ouya and three full Sonic games is $6.99. Also Ouya is made by Android game console .

  4. If the Sonic 4 saga weren’t on every device imaginable already, I’d be surprised that it was coming to Ouya.

  5. I first saw the title ‘”Oh Yeah!” Sonic 4 & Sonic CD coming to th…’ and (for some reason) thought it was gonna say that they were coming to the Wii U. I got all excited, then I saw the full title. Little let down, but I guess that’s my own fault. Anyway, great to see the Ouya get some Sonic love. 🙂

    1. Thought the same. Looks like we’re both gonna have to sit and wait for Lost Worlds.

  6. Why in god’s name aren’t all these downloadable Sonic games on 3DS and Vita? You’d think Sonic CD, Sonic 4, Sonic Jump, and Sonic Dash would all sell well on the 3DS eShop. All the Game Gear Sonic titles they have put up have charted for multiple weeks on the eShop sales charts.

  7. Since I don´t have any modern phone and if the Remastered Sonic 1 comes on it, There´s high chances for me buy it then.

  8. Um…the Ouya is just an Android game console, isn’t it? Why the big hullabaloo? Sonic 4 and CD were already on Android.

    1. Admittedly, I’m not all that well versed in Ouya stuff, but I don’t think it’s quite that simple. It’s sort of like how the Xbox is just a Microsoft console, but it can’t play Windows games. The physical tech is similar, but the games aren’t necessarily compatible.

  9. Since i am saving my money to go to London this summer so… no i will not get this but in the future maybe <:)

  10. $6.99 for Sonic CD? Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it $2.99 on Google Play and Amazon?

  11. I honestly don’t think that anything bad could possibly come of these games being on the Ouya; this is, in fact, unequivocally good news!

  12. I am deeply distrustful of the Ouya from the little information I have about it. I doubt that the console’s failings could reflect poorly on the games or Sega as a whole though, so this isn’t a bad thing I guess. Yay?

  13. I won’t be pleased unless Sonic 4: Episode 2 comes to the Wii U (same goes double for Generations).

  14. I’m disinterested, so I’m more eager to hear about what’s on the menu for Wii U.

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