“Not Enough Rings” Webcomic Holding Kickstarter for Physical Comic Release

We know video game webcomics are a dime a dozen. Especially Sonic ones! But in all our years on the internet, we never came across the comic we wanted. No sprite recolors, no tribal Echidna warriors, definitely no werehogs — just a real comic retelling of the remarkable games we grew up playing.
~Veronica Vera

And the Not Enough Rings webcomic (which you can read at your own leisure), spoofing the Genesis saga from Green Hill all the way up to the Doomsday Zone, is nothing short of the latter.


Veronica Vera and Oliver Bareham, the duo behind the affectionate Sonic the Hedgehog parody webcomic, are hoping to bring their work into print form, with a Kickstarter page gone live since yesterday. Going for a minimum goal of $6,500, the Not Enough Rings Kickstarter has already reached $5,300, and is open for donations up until July 19th!

Supporters can nab themselves a copy of the 106-page comic for as little as $25, but shipping will cost extra for those outside of the United States. Extra rewards include a signed copy of the book, a TIME OVER t-shirt featuring the Carnival Night barrel, a framed strip from the comic of your choice, advance copies of the Upstage card game for Bittersweet Candy Bowl (the duo’s main project), and if you’re downright insane, a Not Enough Rings-esque strip of any stage of any Sonic game of your choosing!

The only stretch goal to this project is to cover the funds to upgrade the books themselves into hardcover copies, the goal itself being a now realistic $10,500. Perks of supporting this project also include reading the already completed webcomic before it’s been fully uploaded online, as well as strips dedicated to the Sonic 3 Competition stages – BOOK EXCLUSIVE. Now THAT is a good deal.

That being said, head on over to the Kickstarter page and help this labour of love come to fruition!



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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


  1. Quick question wouldn’t they need permission from Sega to do this Kick starter? since Sega own Sonic.

    1. Valid question, I was just thinking that. But thinking about it, as long as they state the necessary copyrights in the book, since it’s done in their own artistic style and is classed as a parody I believe they can class this under ‘derivative works’ which would allow them to publish and sell the book.

  2. There is a CSS issue on your new site. If you are on Firefox with the bookmark menu open, if you are on a news article with a wide image (such as this one), it skews the entire page and everything overflows to the right, into the blue checkered background. Thought I should call that out!

    1. This problem doesn’t just occur there. Any post that was posted before the site update has that same problem, making the post unreadable (the comments are unreadable also). A good example would be Jason Berry’s review post of the Sonic the hedgehog comic #239: Heroes. The formating is all thrown off. It would be nice if you guys running the site fixed this error so previous posts won’t be lost in time and so they can be revisited. Thank you!

  3. Haha, I’ve seen plenty of these on Tumblr! They’re pretty sweet. I hope they can get what is necessary for their comics.

  4. I’m definetly going to support this kickstarter and I think anyone who wants to see this in book form should donate even a small amount of money to this.

  5. Is anything that isn’t “classic” bad in the sonic world for some reason? I know that the recolored sprite comics are overused and stupid, but I like the Echidna tribes and the Werehog. I really hate when sonic fans automatically classify anything that is different from the norm or isn’t from the classic era as bad. Anyway, I have seen those comics online and I think they are funny, hope it gets printed.

  6. People pick on Tails in the Sonic 2 special stages, but he only picks up rings that you have already passed as Sonic, meaning that if he drops the rings, it doesn’t really matter, since if you were playing as Sonic alone, you would not have gotten those rings anyway. So Tails actually helps there, even if not much.

    1. I never really thought about that. But if you move to the side to get rings i believe tails can still get them since you move faster than him and he might be wherever the rings are.

    2. A few parts of the Special Stages increase the amount of rings you need while playing as Sonic & Tails, but even then I think this doesn’t include the hardest ones. Nowadays I too find it hard to blame Tails for my ocasional failures in them.

      1. Dude, don’t even… For the final, hardest special stage I seriously had to work with an altered control-scheme, so I could let Tails at least jump at the same time as Sonic 😛

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