SEGASonic:Radio DJ Auditions – The Results!


As many of you might recall, SEGASonic:Radio has not received a whole lot of tender love and care these days. Following the preview for the Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011 last year, SS:R purportedly shut down for much needed renovations. During this downtime, two shows loyally kept on airing – Biafra Republic’s A/V Hijack, and Turbo’s Turbo Drive Live.

Numerous attempts and plans have been conceptualized to relaunch the station, but unfortunately, nothing has quite taken off at 100%. With the former Station Manager, BlitzChris, becoming more and more occupied with life offline (and make no mistake, this is ALWAYS a priority), SS:R had a difficult time retaining relevance within the community. And as time dragged on, things were getting worse.

Sooooooo tl;dr, Dreadknux (who owns both TSS and SS:R) and BlitzChris were at their end of their rope, so they both invested in SS:R Revival Plan C and hoped for the best! That was a joke.

So, as the new Station Manager, I would like to say, on behalf of everyone aboard SEGASonic:Radio: thank you. Thank you for putting up with our collective absence as a station, and a big thanks to all who took the time to audition for spots as SS:R DJs. Your concern for this station’s wellbeing means a whole lot to us, and we are thankful to have received your pitches! The enthusiasm throughout the last three weeks was just about palpable!

Unfortunately, it is as we said when we first put up the notice. While many have indeed entered, only a select few have succeeded. We have received numerous entries, but those that have been picked out have been chosen based on the criteria we have listed in the notice: their pitches were fun, bearable, enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, professional, and most of all, unique. The candidates were chosen based on these qualities, and these qualities alone, so if you have any qualms against us for not having chosen your show, then all I can do is apologize.

Everyone gave it all they got, so to those who’ve passed, I congratulate you in advance and look forward to working with you! To those who did not, you’ve indeed tried, but I regret to inform you that you hadn’t passed – however, though you hadn’t made the cut, we won’t cut contact with you just yet, so keep your eyes on your inboxes in the near future.

Now then! I’ve talked and rambled long enough. I’m pretty sure everyone’s getting antsy (or shaking their computer screens while shouting “GET ON WITH IT”), so enough stalling from me! Without further ado, I think it’s about time to unveil who the three new show candidates are. Shall we?


1. First up is a genre-specific series set to concentrate on jazz, funk, and fusion pieces from various video games and anime franchises! The first audition sent in and the first to have left a powerful (or smooth, perhaps?) impression on the team, this young woman set the bar way up high from the get-go! Some of you on Tumblr might know her better as the one behind the Sonic Music Musings page, with her musical insights always providing a good read! Everyone give a warm welcome to the madame running Club Rouge, Mixmaster Maria!

2. Providing the purest definition of audience interaction, this segment will provide SSMBers the perfect opportunity to rack up enough points to earn shiny member badges of shininess, as well as possible prizes during specials (for example, Project 24)! Equipped with a massive library of video game music, this unbridled little ball of sunshine will provide a no-holds-barred guessing game where literally anyone armed with any gaming console has a chance to play… but she’s not gonna make it easy!  Charging head on with the Kickass Kawaii Show with Edo, say hello to your entertainer for the evening: Edobean! Let the games begin!

3. And finally, presenting a SEGA-centric talk show about music, this unbreakable pair is not afraid to kick reason to the curb! Going right ahead with a talk show covering a wide variety of trivia while providing commentary on select SEGA tunes, these two play off of one another with such well-balanced chemistry, with such varied tastes to explore, and with such diverse trivia to be shared! Bringing down the Groove Rush to this audial terrain of music and entertainment, welcome aboard, Blizooka and Kirbopher!

As an added bonus, SEGASonic:Radio will also adopt the currently ongoing podcast, the Super Power Flower Hour, a weekly series of 60 pain-inducing minutes owned and operated by the guys of FindtheComputerRoom: FTA and Smoovies! I think they’re already plotting to get themselves fired though…

So there we have it! Three entirely new shows, and one existing one joining the fray! Congratulations to Mixmaster Maria, Edobean, Blizooka, and Kirbopher, to have made it through! And welcome to the line-up, FTA and Smoovies! The team is really looking forward to having you all aboard, but there’s still one last step to go – none of you have quite made it just yet! As specified in your already received messages, trial shows will be held in order for you to get accustomed to your new positions.

Once the trials are over and the new cast officially becomes part of the team, a complete schedule for SEGASonic:Radio’s line-up will follow in a later announcement, along with a final date for the relaunch! SS:R will be clocking in at over 100% efficiency from then on, so be sure to tune in when it does!

Thank you to those who’ve auditioned, and thanks to all of you for your support over the downtime! We are BACK, baby!

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


  1. Hooray! We’ve made it big now, FTA! We’ve finally become a footnote on a Sonic Stadium news letter. Let’s celebrate by quitting and start our own radio show with black jack and hookers. In fact, forget the radio show!

      1. Have to admit, very much looking forward to your show guys. Loved your commentary on HFC and on FTCR.

  2. Ohohoho boy SSR’s coming back fierce! And it looks like it’s gonna be more than just Sonic music this around. That’s an interesting plus, though it was like that before the downtime. Anyway, this is shaping up to be a great return for SSR and another for TSS as well.

    Congratulations to all the new DJs coming to the station and making Biafra and Tubro feel like an inverted family reunion! XD

    (aand provide great friendly moments for radio against RadioSEGA kekehehehe….)

  3. this is quite unfair my show was the best but you pick some show about freaking club rouge come on really

    1. forgive my little burst i was quite excited so when i did not get picked i was furious. Nice job to the winners!!!!!

    2. You know, instead of making the winners feel bad, how about you figure out the possible reasons why you didn’t make it, or even share your audition with others so we could’ve given you feedback to improve on it?

      That said, as a DJ on RadioSEGA, I humbly support the audition winners, and hope they all go on to be great staples for SSR 😀

    3. Did you enter a contest and end up not winning?

      Instead of being a good sport and showing some support for those who did win, whine about your loss in the comments section and rant about how your product is the best thing evar since sliced bread!

  4. Haven’t heard of any of these guys, but congratulations either way. Hope you bring back the Radio to the good days of old.

  5. Club Rouge? From Sonic Battle!? Yay! I am not the only one who remembers Club Rouge! I expect great things from this one! And to think just 2 months ago I discovered the SegaSonic Radio. On another note, it would be nice if you guys could get to fixing that little blurb at the top of the Sonic Stadium homepage where it says starlight carnival act 2 is playing because we all know starlight carnival act 2 isn’t more than two months long.

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