Wreck-it Ralph Director Rich Moore on Sonic

Rich Moore and Iizuka

The Sonic Channel has recently posted an interview held by Takashi Iizuka with Rich Moore, director of the recent video game-filled movie Wreck-it Ralph (Sugar Rush in Japan). The two directors talk about Sonic’s cameos in Wreck-it Ralph, what a sequel could mean for the blue blur and what other SEGA franchises Rich would love to see included in a potential follow-up.

Hit the jump for the full interview and some more images!

(Warning, this is translated from Japanese by Google so some things may be a tad unclear!)

(I below) Iizuka: Today I am honored to meet you. In severe, Schedule Thank you for your time in a variety of coverage. It is today, so the website called “Sonic Channel” This interview, thank you.

It is directed by Rich Moore (R below): Is that so?

I: So, a lot of people who read this article, I will be called Sonic fan.

R: It’s amazing! (Comic Con in San Diego last year’s Speaking of Sonic ※ 1 I I went to Sonic’s party that has been held in conjunction with) …

I: Oh, it is an event “SonicBoom” you have invited a Sonic fan.

R: so. That the party were you?

I: I was there, of course.

R: That party was amazing! Everyone was excited. I love it more than the Sonic guys!

I: I’m a fan of Sonic were you excited to meet you.

R: I wonder (laughs)?

I: I How was your reflections and feelings of that time in Comic Con that party, but I had to announce himself from overseeing the Sonic appears in the movie?

R: First of all the first party that I was Confused (laughs). It wears a hat shaped like the head of sonic people in venues like Comic Con … We have a lot of Sonic fans (laughs). Exciting anyway, how upsurge of Sonic fans were really excited too. I went in not knowing party or feels, what it is boring feeling like “you practical delighted to be here today” … In a speech content really boring … No I’ve went and then prepare a memo for the speech I think because it was “not possible speech like this, here and not say that the interesting story here!’s not party like that is not suitable.” something, and I did think of comment on the spot while walking on it. It was also remarkably pleasant moments in the holding period of Comic Con. (New racing game ※ 2 such climax when) was announced, I was really honored that I was proud of was as a part of the event that their being there at that moment.

I: “Sugar Rush” but I think in the story of the stage, the game and the game is a lot of your own director, what is now the director’s favorite game?

R: Do you favorite now? But there are a lot of favorites … (and pretend to operate a mobile phone) … (laughs) … I’m not want to say too much on the content for the phone.

I: Oh, it is an application for mobile phones. But I’m able to play on mobile phones Sonic.

R: Well, it can not play this mobile phone also Sonic?

I: Yes, you can play (laughs)

R: It was good! I’ll try this time today. Are you playing now hooked wonder how such “WordsWithFriends” “ScrambleWithFriends” and “TempleRun” I do not know whether the service is … in Japan. ‘m A sex game which is also common, have been rewritten from scratch, the interface is’m great. The movie was completed in any event in October, then much travel more. I do not seem to be able to afford the time to slow game at home until March at the publicity of the movie, because they traveled around. Into the mobile game Sonic first. Because they traveled now, so well that it is just the reverse mobile phone. Returned to the house, (take in hand “Sonic Generations,” which give you for the first time) I’ll try to do it (laughs).

I: This software I’m able to experience all of the Sonic the past 20 years.

R: Well, I hope it Really?!

I: I try to play, please come. So I return to the question of the movie. It was that when I heard the story of “Sugar Rush” At first, it appeared only want to Eggman, Sonic was requested any additional from the middle? Why is that?

R: From the beginning of production, have decided to start from the scene of the first part of the movie villains. I wanted to give it to the scene and a boss villain character, that are there’m Eggman was decided at the time of the beginning quite. When I was thinking of further expanding the story setting from there, “in the world of video games is when a character has died outside game’s original I’m not able to come back to life again,” it does not emphasize the rule that the I’ve been clear that there should not be. I think it will be important rule in a movie, on a large screen of the game Central Station, and must be feeling like a public service announcement, just bring out this rule character iconic very famous. What if Sonic does the talking, right? I think I was. Given the various elements such as voice, Sonic was the perfect person. Since there was any place that wants to put out somewhere Sonic, I’m was just perfect. To Sega, so, I really do ask (laughs) So you guys.
Was good at working with SEGA, the fact that you gave me a good understanding that Sega are trying to do with us. But to understand the value of their characters, gave generously share their character. It was amazing. “Ah, Sonic! Are out,” Who Saw Sonic movie to talk about me me. I really appreciate that I put out about famous and iconic character Sonic. Thank you.

I: I I’m honored too. What surprised me the most was in the work we put into this movie, even though it was the first Sonic should use only one place, it is that there was quite add up to just before the screening. Is it a very flexible schedule filmmaking?

R: Yeah, it’s pretty normal though. I mean a kind of casting, I went to work I go to develop character till the last moment. I think there is a scene where Felix is celebrating the 30th anniversary of their game in the movie, and I want to give the body what famous character here (laughs). I decided that I was, “Let’s ask can I put Sega Sonic” So. He is said to someone, “Sonic I went out of the game Central Station Since when? While ago should still be installed on Game Central Station?’ll Have to come to the party” in the scene of this party and Then I’ve just. So I So you’ve answered me, “Sonic’s running so much so fast!’m Fast, I arrived over there” and (laughs).

I: I had a scene where Sonic drops the ring? I liked that scene very personally (laughs)

R: Oh, I just drop the ring in the game Central Station. That scene I wanted to be able to perfect as the game itself. Ring or flickering is dropped. People who I thought looked like! “The same as the game! Sonic wow”, I’m always asked for such a moment. It will be realistic as a character of the game, since it cool.

I: If there was a sequel to the movie, then do you have the Sega character you’d like to use in addition to Sonic?

R: I had been addicted to “Virtua Fighter” before, I wish I Dase sequel to that character. If you can please Mr. SEGA! (Laughs)

I: “Virtua Fighter” is an arcade game that I would be perfect for this movie in theater.

R: I think really fit. I have a passion for it and Dreamcast. I controller and game consoles that.Character of “Virtua Fighter” Among the ‘s a particular favorite. If there was a sequel then, want to give even more sonic. Want to make something bigger role in the story of Sonic. To his famous character, it wanted to spend more time in the story rather than a mere cameo. In the movie, Sonic … more

I: “Sonic The Movie”?

R: I hope, “Sonic The Movie” Oh yeah! (Laughs)

I: I thank word Sonic fan, SEGA fan at the end.

R: I want you to know to you first, do you feel it is that no matter how I appreciate that everyone was warm and sincere please accept this movie.And this is only the beginning. Is there still want to send to the world, is a great idea and story. I think that working with people like Mr. Iizuka in the future, and want to share a great movie and the fans also, let the other great characters in the movie and Sonic.

I: I busy schedule, you for your time, Thank you very much.

R: You’re welcome. It was really nice to meet you. I love your work. How did the idea of Sonicできるdoing? Where did the idea first start?

I: there ‘s a long story to it (laughs)

R: … long story and a long process, so it huh. Please tell us about it slowly next time (laughs)

Source: Sonic Channel

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    1. Oh man I hope so. A Sonic movie by the team behind Wreck it Ralph would be an unbelievable treat.

        1. Sorry, but I’m sure Sega will die way before they gain enough strength to make a full blown Sonic CGI movie.

          So, No.

        1. Disney, the one’s who helped produce Wreck-it Ralph, announced not long ago that they will no longer be doing animations. Unless they find another studio, I’m not counting on anything

          1. No, they announced that they shut down their 2D department and wouldn’t be producing any hand drawn feature films, not that they would be pulling out of animation completely. They’ve got ‘Frozen’ in the works, and there are already murmurs about a ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ sequel.

          2. They said they had no traditional hand-drawn animation on their books for the next few years.

  1. I was wondering why this seemed so terribly Engrish…

    I highly doubt a full-length Sonic movie… but it would be interesting if they did shorts around the videogame characters interacting with each other. Kind of like “what was happening while Ralph and the others were having their story”.

  2. One can hope that the idea of a Sonic movie is real… or at least, he can have a bigger role in the next one. I’m expecting an “Escape from the arcade” kind of plot… so who knows what icons he might encounter. But an actual Sonic movie as well? That would just be awesome.

    Looking forward to an official translation, even if this Google one is pretty darn amusing.

    1. Rich Moore speaks Engrish! And plays sex games. Not what you expect to hear in an interview about a kids’ movie.

    2. I don’t have anything against Roger Craig Smith, but if they make a movie I would love it to be voiced by Jason Grithin and the rest of the old cast, like if you agree

    1. I’m currently translating this interview, and will be happy to submit it here if everyone wants it.

      From what I can gather by reading the above translation, for those who want to know, they seem to want to expand Sonic’s role in the sequel (presumably to the same amount of screentime Q*Bert had in the first film), which I really hope they carry out, and that Rick really wants to make a Sonic film.

  3. here is my idea for Wreck it Ralph 2
    Wreck it Ralph 2
    The console wars

    The fix it Felix JR arcade machine gets rented for a gaming convention. after a few hours of being plugged in
    the power goes out. wreck it Ralph Fix it Felix and the rest of the nicelanders run to the outlet before the power goes out. in the outlet they Find sonic telling people to remain calm. wreck it Ralph ask sonic why the power went out. sonic tells him that to many consoles were plugged in and the power went out in the convention center. after every one is calmed down sonic sees that one of the plugs is running he and wreck it Ralph decide to check it out. To sonic’s horror the plug leads to a wii u. inside they find Mario relaxing. Mario sees sonic and starts yelling at him. sonic starts to fight Mario and they both get into a huge Fight. Ralph breaks the fight and asks why they are fighting. sonic tells Ralph about the console wars in the 90s and how Sega stopped making consoles. so the adventure start as ralph know needs to get Mario and sonic to like each other and stop a hidden threat that could destroy the whole outlet!!!!

    1. Lol amusing idea 😛
      Heck any movie with Sonic in is usually good enough for me, but to have him as a bigger role??

  4. I sure hope that if a Sonic movie is made, then Disney will pick it up. It would be like the love child of my two favorite things up on the big screen. 😛

    1. I wonder if a movie were to be made what story from games would they pick (Sonic Adventure could work), or would it be an entirely new story…?

  5. This was amusing.

    Considering I’m going to re-watch Ralph on Blu-Ray tomorrow, this is hilarious timing. A Sonic movie? Intriguing. It’s not like his first foray went horribly wrong, although sad to say I never watched it. He certainly did better than Mario’s foray >.>’

    But a sequel, yes. Attack of the glitches XD

  6. Well…that…was interesting…

    It’s hard to gauge what exactly they’re saying, but either way, it’s good to see Rich Moore having an interest in Sonic.

    1. if you haven’t payed any attention to SOS Rich Moore always have an interest in Sonic. He’s always been a fan for years.

  7. I found out more information about this interview by reading these comments than I did by trying to read all that Engrish.

  8. All i wanted to know that if there was going to be a promo code for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC for the addition to Vanellope von Schweetz & the Sugar Rush track when the DVD releases in the. Just a little thought of an idea y’know

  9. A Sonic Movie could be very possible. Hear me out here guys. Sonic’s cast all have interesting personalities, enough to make a full character role. And there are plenty of Sonic characters to begin with so don’t worry about that. Sonic’s whole CGI budget is usually very high and he always looks entertaining and can keep the audiences attention. (I’d love if the movie was in the Sonic X style artwork, but if your movie isn’t 3D these day, you don’t stand a chance 🙁 ) Not to mention how much laughs Sonic’s capable of. Just apply some great comedy writers to Sonic’s cast and you have a done deal! Hopefully the correct voice actors are chosen so there is no complaints about that. Although, I really hope they would bring Amy’s old voice actor back because her voice in Generations and All-Stars racing Transformed… (Shivers) So that is that. Basically what I’m saying is that Sonic has everything he needs to make a good movie, he just requires good advertising and marketing. 🙂

    1. Agreed. I would LOVE a Sonic movie. With the current cast, like you said (Roger Craig Smith is my favourite Sonic, hands down). 😀

    2. Well, to be frank. animation would have to be similar to, say, the Princess and the Frog if it was drawn. Which really for a movie it should be anyway.

      CGI is great and all, but since it’s swarming the categories, going back to basics is sometimes better and a more unique way to stand out 😉

    3. Actually the problem doesn’t lie within the methods, its the possibility. Sonic’s film rights are owned by different people/companies in different countries. While clearance was certainly possible for Wreck-it Ralph, that’s probably due to his role as a mere cameo. If it’s a full-blown movie, there’s the possibility that it would have to go through even more rigorous legal methods.

      1. That makes it sound so much more… bleak. If what you say is true, then SEGA would really need to be determined to make this movie.

      2. Giving those rights to companies seems like a good idea at the moment.

        In hindsight? They’re kicking themselves XD

  10. A Sonic Movie? I think if Cindy Robinson plays Amy like she does now, then Disney might as well hear her voice, and decide “SHE’S PERFECT FOR PLAYING MINNIE MOUSE!” And just outright fire Russi Taylor, who will continue her dedicated work on the Simpsons, as Martin Prince, and other characters.

    OOOHHH! Well, from now on, you can date your stupid video game!

  11. Im pretty sure they’re talking about Sonic appearing once again in a possible WiR sequel, rather than making a movie ABOUT Sonic.

  12. The Engrish is so adorable! X3 I was worried a little when he mentioned ‘Sex Game’ O.O.
    A bigger role for Sonic in the sequel, just awesome. I bet they could pull of some funnies and action scenes, but do remember the movies about Ralph, not Sonic =3.
    Now, a Sonic movie? TAKE ALL OF MY RINGS.

  13. I always thought it was a missed opportunity to not have all the video game heros bust into sugar rush at the end and help fight the cy-bugs.

  14. The part where he talked about his experience at Sonic Boom made me all giddy. I’m glad he had a great time, even if we are weirdos in Sonic hats.

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