Ken Balough Bids Farewell to SEGA


Chances are if you’ve kept your finger on the pulse of the Sonic community over the past half decade, you’ll have encountered this character – SEGA’s Digital Brand Manager, Ken Balough. Ken is probably best known for being one of the most prominent spokespeople representing SEGA during the promotion of both Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episodes 1 and 2, for trailblazing fan engagement with the SEGA Community team, as well as his mean sense of humour.

Yesterday, Ken announced in a statement on the SEGA forums that he would be leaving his position at SEGA to join the team at Sony Playstation.

Amongst other things mentioned in the post, Ken praised the passion of the Sonic fans:

The Sonic fans are the best I’ve experienced – passionate, intelligent, with an unrivalled love of the franchise. I have been privileged to get to know you, and hear your thoughts, and talk to you personally when given the opportunity. There are so many of you I want to thank. You guys are really one of a kind. Continue to encourage everyone at SEGA to make better games – it’s really fuel for us when we see, or hear you guys excited.

On behalf of all of us here at The Sonic Stadium and the SSMB, we wish to thank Ken for five memorable years of service to the community, and congratulate him on the stellar representation he has provided for SEGA and the Sonic franchise.

Ken, we wish you all the best in your new role – buena suerte!

Here are a couple of our favourite Ken moments…



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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. I don’t remember either of those interviews, although I remember the trailer in the first one. I think I’m the first to comment!

  2. TRAITOR! FREAKING TRAITOR! I can understand leaving for most other pubs and devs….BUT SONY!? respect lost

    1. Well, if I were in the field and I was able to take a job with one of the few biggest corporations out there, hell yeah I’d move on up.

  3. I’m sad to see Ken go, he’s been so involved in the Sonic community for the past 5 years. And even though I personally am not a fan of the Sonic 4 series, he really put a lot of his time and effort into those games, trying to make them the best they could possibly be. And I always loved those couple “Ben Kalough from Sega of Antarctica” videos. πŸ˜›

    Good luck at Sony Ken! Hopefully someone worthy enough fills your shoes.

  4. That’s a shame. Ken was a real cool cat. I’m happy he is going to another one of my favorite companys.

  5. I suddenly feel bad for not respecting the Sonic 4 titles all too much. He tried so hard to make the fans pleased, but all we gave him in return was more complaints. πŸ™ Also, does this mean there won’t be an episode 3? On another note, at least we know he will be successful because I hear good things coming from the PS4, and I’m sure he won’t let anything screwy happen at Sony when it comes to Sonic. *cough* *Sonic 06* *cough* And if you don’t know what “buena suerte” means it means good luck. Best of luck Ken!

    1. oh there will be an Episode 3 its just that Ken won’t be around to promoting it. Ken is kinda like the middle man (or Liason) between us (the fans) and Sonic Team (the people who made Sonic 4 Episodes 1 & 2).

  6. Sad to see him go. He was a good sport. A spokesperson for Sega as you truly imagined it (sorry I couldn’t resist) πŸ˜‰

  7. Sad to see anyone go, but just as the series has aged, grown, let things go, and brought new things in, a similar situation occurs in the business department. I’m sure he’ll still be a supporter, and I wish him the best of luck.

    Now the question is, who will try to fill into the shoes he left?

  8. Enter…Ben Kalough Acting brand manager πŸ˜‰ lolz. You have my vote πŸ˜‰ The New Sega @Antarctica O=D

  9. Dang.. we could’ve used his energy and positivity to promote Episode 3 πŸ™

    Don’t know why he chose to go to Sony.. PS4 is going to tank.

    .. Maybe SEGA aren’t telling us something πŸ™

    *goes to a corner to curl up and worry*

    1. “PS4 is going to tank.” NO IT’S NOT YOU F***ING FOOL!! There is so many positive things about PS4, Sonic should be on the PS4, and Wii U. I’m not including Microsofts new rumoured Xbox system, because Microsoft just likes to alienate their consumers.

      Another thing. The next Xboxs isn’t going to be developer friendly at all to developers (Including Sonic Team, Dimps, and Sumo Digital).

  10. It’d be a good idea to go to Sony. Think about it: SEGA told Ken to leave to Sony, and find a way to contact Sonic Team about a new Sonic game announcement for the PS4, and gives Sonic Team the time to fix out the bugs and glitches found: Making sure Sonic Team doesn’t make the same mistake they did with 06.

    I think its safe to say this. The Case of Ken Balough…..*Shades*……. Is closed.


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