SEGA vs Nintendo Parody Anime Set for 2012 Release

While Sonic has made several TV appearances in several different cartoon incarnations ranging from good to terrible (we’ll let you decide which is which), none have been quite as intruiging as what is set to hit Japanese TV later this year.

Aoi Sekai no Chushin de (translated as “In the Centre of the Blue World”) is a manga retelling of the story of the console wars with a fantasy twist created by Anastasia Shestakova and illustrated by Crimson. While the green-light was given for the anime back in March, this information has gone mostly unnoticed on Western shores.

Anime News Network recently posted news on the upcoming broadcast:

The story re-imagines the real-life console wars as a fantasy tale — the Segua Kingdom is locked in an age-old war with the Ninterudo Empire for dominance of the land of Consume. Segua now finds itself on the defensive, but an unlikely hero has risen in the form of Gear, a boy who brags about his breakneck speed. Gear helps turn the tide of the war.

At present it looks fairly unlikely that Aoi Sekai no Chushin ne will be officially affiliated with any of the companies the story is based around, however it will probably garner the attention of both SEGA and Nintendo fans worldwide.

See how many references you can spot to SEGA and other videogame IPs in the character designs below!

Thumbs up to Soniman on the SSMB for spotting this!

Have your say on this in the SSMB

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Sonic, NiGHTS, Samus, Mario, Luigi, Link, Pikachu and the others I’m not COMPLETELY sure…

    Actually I’m not completely sure of any of them except Sonic, Mario and Lugi. lol

  2. Gear is Sonic (as mentioned in the quote “a boy who brags about his breakneck speed”)
    Marcse is Mario (always put Mario next to Luigi)
    Greece is Luigi (that boo was a giveaway)
    The one with the hammer is Amy (Come on how can you not tell!?)
    Masa is either Ness or Lucas (most likely Lucas because of the blonde hair) from Earthbound/Mother (Notice Mr. Saturn in the arms)
    Saroid is Samus Aran (Saroid is a combo of Samus and Metroid, clothing was also a giveaway)
    Pirika is Pikachu (wait a minute since when Ash’s Pikachu was female!? something ain’t right about that but then again this is a parody)
    Fosta is Link (again clothing is a giveaway)
    as for the rest no clue.

    So far this looks promicing.

      1. I am okay with human Kirby with boobs! Keep in mind him being a boy is an AMERICAN invention; Kirby was always gender indeterminate in Japan (basically due to language nuances Japanese can get away with not using gender-specific pronouns – the closest English has is “it” which is otherwise seen as impersonal and objectifying). So you’ll see more Japanese fans thinking Kirby is meant to be female, even though the developers has went on record to say they won’t directly reveal Kirby’s gender since it’s part of Kirby’s universal appeal. Of course, this was mangled by the NoA localizers since day one, but you can technically still use masculine pronouns as default for unknown gender…

        At any rate, I wonder if the creators had to go obtain the license to use the likeness of these characters, not to mention the Boo, Triforce earrings, Mr. Saturn, what seems to be Majora’s Mask and Samus’ Power Suit, etc.

    1. The girl with a hammer is Kirby (notice she is on the Nintendo side, has pink hair and even has a little Kirby like face on her forehead).

      Opul is Opa Opa (has a Opa Opa like shoulder blade on her clothes and wings in her head).

      Neru is Nei from Phantasy Star II.

      Ramses is (I think) related to Columns. Only because she has gems.

      Fosta is probably Fox Mccloud from Starfox.

      1. I thought Fosta was Link (clothing looks similar to his). But then, that leaves the question of who Zeric is (the guy holding Majora’s Mask).

    2. Ash’s pikachu was a female. In the first episode when it is attacked, ash screams “Leave her alone!”

      1. …No it wasn’t and it is not. Ash’s Pikachu is male. Always has been.

        There’s a reason that Dawn’s female Buneary had the biggest crush on him.

  3. All I can say is awesome! I can’t wait to watch this! 😀 And if Gear(Sonic) is the main protagonist and Marcse(Mario) is the main antagonist, The pro-Sonic anti-Mario fan boy in me from the 90’s will be squealing like a little girl. XD Haha, anyway this looks like it’ll be a really cool series, and I’m happy to see other Nintendo characters will be making appearances in the anime too. I haven’t felt this excited since Sonic was announced as a character in Brawl. Well I’m definitely going to keep my eye out for news of this anime. It looks like it’ll be a fun watch. 🙂

  4. Well Zerig appears to be holding Majora’s Mask, has a Zelda style fairy with him, and has a Triforce earring. I’m guessing he’s Link. And I think Carvai is Kirby. They certainly sound similar. Plus stars appear a lot in Kirby and she’s got a fair few around her.

    Pretty much no idea on the rest. Maybe Fare is from Fire Emblem since she seems to be riding something? I gotta look this up now.

  5. Ya know this is good for Nintendo fans since the Mario Bros. haven’t been on TV since Captain N and The New Super Mario World. (I know that this is a Sonic Fan site, but I just had to point this out)

    1. are you serious ??????? why bring them back on tv for some anime? they should come back as them selves not some random chinese guy being mario, lol this cant be serious.
      well its only a parody

  6. AWSOME but sonics hair must change it must be longer and a.awesome outfit.sonic needs.better and one thing HE NEEDS A AWESOME.SWORD

  7. Well I don’t see any Mario hats or blue spikes on anyone so…

    An official Sega vs Nintendo thing would be cool thou, I mean they already came together in Wreck-it-Ralph so why not?

  8. Well, if you look at what they’re pictured with, and pronounce the names rather … loosely, you get Fare -> Fire Emblem, Masa -> Mother, and Fosta -> StarFox. I’m having much more trouble with most of the Sega team though, probably because it makes the most sense to include pre-Sonic characters (if his arrival kicks off the story) and – face it – Sega didn’t have much before Sonic. Only pre-Sonic Sega franchises that I immediately recall are Alex Kidd and Columns…

  9. Just wondering but why is there more nintendo characters then sega? Most of the sega characters are hard to tell who they are. Besides this can be epic, just imagine mario and sonic in an anime fight, the thought just screams AWESOME!!!!!

    1. Wait, you’re telling me this isn’t some Doujinshi porn made in the backlots of Japan?

      From what bowels of DeviantArt was this culled from?! And what publisher is so desperate to greenlight this and make it into an anime?! AUGHH, Wreck-it-Ralph can’t come soon enough!!

      …..and some where, Ken Penders’ eyes glimmer with a tiny fraction of hope 😛

  10. Gia is Sonic (obviously, he’s half nekked and has blue spiky hair)
    Opul is Amy (notice the feather on the right side of her face like Sonic Adventure)
    Neru is Blaze (look at the clothing and necklace)
    Tejilof is probably Gilius (he wears green and has a long staff which could be a reference to the axe)
    Ramses…I have no idea
    Marsce is Mario for obvious reasons
    Same goes for Greege being Weege
    Zerig has Majora’s Mask and a Navi like Fairy (probably a reference to the Zelda series)
    Carvai is obviously Kirby (look at her forehead)
    Fare is most likely Knuckles (Although it doesn’t seem that way, he/she looks like him)
    Masa is clearly Lucas (being that he’s blonde, holding Mr. Saturn, although Saturn not being in his game, and his creepy red eyes, that game he was in was just plain creepy)
    Saroid is Samus (Easily told by the colors of the suit, the suit, the blonde hair and her name being a combination of Samus and Metroid)
    Pirika is Pikachu (need I say more)
    Fossa is Link (clothes, weapon etc.)
    Hope I could help!

  11. some of you people think to much about hentai lmao, but yeah it looks like it’ll be pretty cool.

  12. Gia is Sonic (obviously, he’s half nekked and has blue spiky hair)
    Opul is Amy (notice the feather on the right side of her face like Sonic Adventure)
    Neru is Blaze (look at the clothing and necklace)
    Tejilof is probably Gilius (he wears green and has a long staff which could be a reference to the axe)
    Ramses…I have no idea
    Marsce is Mario for obvious reasons
    Same goes for Greege being Weege
    Zerig has Majora’s Mask and a Navi like Fairy (probably a reference to the Zelda series)
    Carvai is obviously Kirby (look at her forehead)
    Fare is most likely Knuckles (Although it doesn’t seem that way, he/she looks like him)
    Masa is clearly Lucas (being that he’s blonde, holding Mr. Saturn, although Saturn not being in his game, and his creepy red eyes, that game he was in was just plain creepy)
    Saroid is Samus (Easily told by the colors of the suit, the suit, the blonde hair and her name being a combination of Samus and Metroid)
    Pirika is Pikachu (need I say more)
    Fossa is Link (clothes, weapon etc.)
    Hope I could help!

    1. I think you got a number of them wrong. Fossa as most have indicated is likely Fox McCloud. Those cross-hairs suggest a gun and Fox is one of the few prominent 90s Nintendo characters to use a gun.
      Zerig is Link for reasons stated in previous posts and also along with all that he seems to be riding a horse.
      Fare is a generic knight from Fire Emblem I would notice that armour anywhere. It is beginning class knight or pegasus rider armour for sure since they wear similar armour.

  13. Man, i refuse to accept that Kirby is a female in this anime. It looks like the girl from ICE climbers, seriously, the hammer is the same, the coat is the same and even the gloves are the same. Kirby is consistently referenced with masculine pronouns and Meta Knight in the anime (even japanese version) refers to Kirby as “him” or “he” 🙁

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