Say “Hello” to Hello Kitty Sonic

Sega and Sanrio have teamed together to bring you some new Sega products. First thing out the door is a Hello Kitty Sonic which combines their two biggest franchises into one plush. The plush will be available at Sega Joyopolis later this month. Sega has stated that the plush will be available worldwide by summer 2013. Probably in those @#$% Sega UFO catchers. You know the kind. they got the plush just dangling over the edge and even a video tutorial on how to catch it but the dang thing never drops! You end up spending $30 with no avail! All I wanted was to get my niece a pirate Domo with an eyepatch! Why must this blasted machine tempt me so?!! IT’S NOT FAI-oh. “ahem” Sorry. Sooo..yea. Looking forward to what other Sega Sanrio products they come out with.

Source: Andriasang

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  1. Oh. My. GOD. I never thought I’d hear Sonic and Hello Kitty in the same sentence. XD

  2. Waugh! It’s not even Friday!!! But Sonic even makes Hello Kitty epic! HEHEHE

  3. I’m conflicted. On the one hand, Sonic is the greatest thing. On the other, I hate Hello Kitty with the burning rage of 1000 suns going nova.

      1. Technically, it’s Hello Kitty dressed up as Sonic. She looks partially naked, though.

  4. Why couldn’t they have styled it after Amy Rose instead of infringing on Sonic’s reputation?
    This will only fuel the hatred towards the Sonic fandom giving the idiots that say: “Sawnic is 4 babyz” more to bash us with.
    However Japan has gotten out of touch with Sonic recently and Hello Kitty is HUGE over there, this will help boost the sales of newer games and other SEGA titles in the future if it causes enough interest.

    1. “He just looked so cute, I had to shave it”
      ~My Sweet Passion

      So….yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me if that came to fruition through Amy >~<

  5. OK I’m not gonna lie thius should have been saved for freak out Friday, I mean hello kitty in a sonic costume wtf!!

  6. I don’t know much about Hello Kitty, but this is frigin adorable, will get if possible.

  7. Would’ve been fitting if it was Amy instead of Sonic. If you guys think this is bad, you should see the crossover Hello kitty did with Street Fighter…

  8. This is the most amazing thing ever and everyone that hates it obviously doesnt appreciate the beauty that is being adorable and cool at the same time.

    Hopefully this will be sold at Sanrio shops too.

  9. I’ve never aww’d at Hello Kitty before, not even when she was dressed as Godzilla and King Ghidorah. What’s wrong with me?

  10. I find this very cute.

    …And very disturbing at the same time.

    …Dear lord, please, they better NOT do Shadow or Eggman dressed as this…The poor minds of the children!

    1. Oh dear LORD Forbid such a travesty NOW….then again, seeing Hello Kitty in the Eggmobile with the goggles on her head while wearing the jacket would be pretty damned cute…hell, if you did it that way you could split between classic and modern Eggmen

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