Sega Confirms: Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed, (Vita & Wii-U)

Wii keep telling U. There is a Wii-U & Vita version of this game. If our early reports on this didn’t convince you, or the trailer which was on Sonic Wrecks… Well Sega themselves have finally confirmed it. There is to be a Vita & Wii-U version of this game.

Following Nintendo’s E3 conference, an official document has been doing the rounds which shows several games for the Wii-U including Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

However, following the announcement of Danica Patrick in the game, Sega have issued a Press Release which outlines plans to release the game on Wii-U and Vita later this year.

Furthermore,  Sony have now set up a small website for Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing transformed on the Vita. The site doesn’t have very much on it right now. But it does confirm that you will use the tilt functions of the Vita to turn your racers, and the touch screen to use weapons.

Interestingly, the website also says there will be 8 player online & downloadable content. Release date is said to be Late 2012.

Source: & CNBC

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  1. Wow SASRT is looking pretty dam good. Hope it sells really well. Good luck to SEGA.

    1. We’ll, we’ve known of Darksiders II coming to the Wii U for months :V
      Now, Arkham City? Wah, didn’t see that one coming!
      Mass Effect 3? … wat… Seriously… What? :T

      1. All news to me, not really followed Wii U developments, just surprising haha! It seems this console is looking a bit more serious than the Wii.

  2. Gameplay footage? 🙁 Hopefully tomorrow at E3 it will be playable for the consoles…

    1. It’s similar to the VITA version. I’ve heard. Nothing will be special about it. No exclusive Nintendo characters. SEGA of Japan is not endorsing it at all.

      Also this version will ship in December and won’t launch on Wii U.

      1. Nope. -_- It’s a shame… really, it is. But what do they really have to present this time? This, Super Monkey Ball Banana Splits, and a few others… not a lot…

        1. There could still be supprises still that’s what I’m thinking, SA2 avatar items were suppost to come out today but it’s getting late so I’m starting to think Major Nelson made a mistake in his blog. It’s not even in his blog anymore =/ I sure hope it wasn’t a mistake I was really looking forward to it. Because of this a lot of people thought that it was going to be reviled at E3 that SA2 was coming out for Xbox

  3. Yes! The game is on Wii U! Okay… the console itself doesn’t seem THAT impressive to me, and it’ll cost a lot… but if there is any console I’d want this for, it’d be the Wii U. I had the first on Wii so this would be a good sequel on the sequel of the console. Plus…. maybe if we, MMMMM, persuade them… they might try Mario again.

  4. On Iwata asks it is confirmed that new super mario bros u is a launch title, which could mean all stars racing could be marked with the wrong date, because both said holiday

    1. Holiday stands for November – December.

      Nintendo said the Mario Bros. U will come holiday – and at the same time as the Wii U. Just because Racing Transformed says it too, does not mean that it is actually going to also be for release at the same time as the Wii U.

      Only thing we can do now is wait…

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