Sonic Labyrinth Rolls on to the EU Nintendo 3DS eShop Today

Following the release of Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble a while ago, SEGA will be releasing bizarre Game Gear title Sonic Labyrinth on the European Nintendo 3DS eShop today for £4.50. The game sees Sonic forced to slow down and instead spin dash around isometric grids to hunt down keys, destroy enemies and make his way to the goal before time runs out.

Will you be downloading Sonic Labyrinth? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine UK

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  1. Sonic Labyrinth? What’s this nonsense? The should make Sonic Labyrinth 2 rather than re-release the original!

    1. I know I will. True Sonic fans love every Sonic game. A slow paced, spin dash based game was a risky move for SEGA, but given the fact that I’m only 1 of 10 Sonic Lab. fans, you’re right… maybe it WAS a bad idea to re-release it.

      1. >True Sonic fans love every Sonic game
        One sec as I take time to laugh at that logic. Not even trolling, while there’s no such thing as a ‘true’ fan there is a decent quality fan that will accept that their favorite thing/game/etc is not perfect and is in a manner ‘shit’. This with Sonic 06, 3D Blast, and Episode 1 are horrible games but hey, who am I to say this is horrible. Its not like more than half of the fanbase can see that as well…OH WAIT :U

      2. Um… no. A true fan can identify the good and the bad in the series. Defending the bad hurts the hedgehog. Not help it.

        If you like Labirynth, then more power to you. Just don’t say such things like “Love ALL the Sonic games or you aren’t a true fan!”

  2. “The game sees Sonic forced to slow down and instead spin dash around isometric grids to hunt down keys, destroy enemies and make his way to the goal before time runs out.” Sounds a bit like Sonic 3D Blast.

  3. As terrible as Labyrinth is, it’s still better then Sonic Genesis on GBA. =P

  4. Buy Sonic Labyrinth > Any involvement with sonic blast. So if I ever get a 3DS and some cash to waste I might buy this on a whim.

  5. To be honest, I forgot that I’d even downloaded Triple Trouble. Better get back onto that.

    1. Haters? The game was complete crap and that’s coming from someone who thought 06 was decent

  6. Once you adapt to the controls, I found it quite a fun game to play! Perhaps a bit steep for £4.50, though…

  7. You there. Have you come here to hate?


    The guys above have already done a spectacular job of that.

    I love this game. Gonna get it right now and play it for hours on end. Seriously.

  8. Bought it as soon as I could, I genuinely like this game, and have the original game gear cart too 😀

  9. When I played the game on DX I thought it was fine.Not good,but not bad either.6.5/7.0 is what I’d give it.

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