Sound Test Saturday: CageKame’s Legendary Rock Covers

It’s a given that searching for any given video game track on YouTube will lead you to a big number of assorted covers. Some will seem mediocre, some will seem just “meh”, and some are okay.

Then there’s covers like these.

This week’s Sound Test Saturday takes a look into the musical stylings of CageKame, an extremely talented artist from Italy who favours the guitar. You’ll end up finding tons of rock covers for video game tracks on his channel, all well made.

However, I think the term “rock cover” is too basic to describe this guy’s skills, because they are not your everyday vanilla-flavoured cover. What blows his remixes out of the water over all others are not only the energy and spirit he puts into his playing, it’s how his guitar solos take the spotlight. He truly knows how to make each song he comes across into his own.

If you want proof, check out two of his rock remakes down below: Sky Sanctuary and Ice Cap from Sonic 3 & Knuckles!


Check out the obligated (yet still amazingly well done!) Ice Cap Zone cover after the jump!


Those solos, man.

Just beautiful.

Found a cool remix, cover, or original song somewhere? Want to submit something of your own and see if it gets featured? If so, then send it over to!

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


  1. Watching and listening too all these epic remixes makes me jealous of my own lack of talent……….

  2. I use to love covering Sonic songs. I always use to play his original theme on the guitar/bass/drums/piano. If I can get it on camera with decent quality, I’ll try and get it submitted.

  3. Thanks guys, thanks especially VizardJeffhog for wonderful words and for the time you have spent writing this article! I’m working on more videos so stay tuned … Hugs to all sonic lovers 😉

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