Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Listing Appears at GamesRadar

Following yesterday’s teaser by Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett aka S0L and the many reports since we first brought you news of a possible sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, a listing has just appeared over at GamesRadar for a PS3 title called Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Has GamesRadar let the cat out of the bag?

Source: GamesRadar

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    1. I wouldn’t say it if I were you. Because, Transformed could be the sequel name, I mean.. Possibly there could be new features that would related to the name itself. So don’t give hopes too much.

  1. Do did anybody figure out weather that “Big the Cat will never be used again” story was an April Fools Day joke or not?

  2. transformed huh… does this mean this game will be about the cars transforming into mechs of the character? then they would duke it out with eachother? lol

  3. Notice how the game says it’s only for PS3. Also, the name is spelled incorrectly. Where is the SEGA in the title?

    Maybe GamesRadar is just stu-…or were tired.

  4. ah yeat another revival of sonic and co on other platforms, to be honest I wish sega just release another console..

    what killed the sega consoles initially was to many released in a short window period..

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